A world border is a boundary or limit that surrounds an area of a Minecraft world that prevents players and other entities from moving beyond the border. Setting a world border is especially useful to limit the chunks being generated when players travel your world which sometimes causes lag or makes your world file's size get excessively large.

Players will take damage when outside of the border. While redstone builds and water or lava flow are unaffected, placing of blocks and liquids outside of the border may be limited if at all possible.

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I'm working on a minigame right now that teleports the player to a random location and sets a world border around them of 150 blocks or so. The problem is how to center the world border around them once they've teleported to the location.

 If you appreciate this plugin and actually want to see it developed further by me rather than only receiving compatibility updates, you are welcome to .

 Thanks to the following people who have been kind enough to donate: jonDatz, xrobau, Gussi, Dizzy, R. Meijer, FoundationCraft, T. Bronner, R. Thompson, The Pokemon Server, legitplay.net, D. Senff, Vik1395, TagCraftMC, D. Strickner, M. Wilson, Rhythmatic, W. Downey, P. V. Gretener, MiniCraft Server, Cosmic Craft, ScarcityFree.com, polaris_iv (Forge port), matagin, T. Ahokas.

 Also thanks to IMathe172I (Lang Lukas) for contributing code to support elliptic and rectangular border shapes, and Indiv0 for contributing code to support border wrapping.

This plugin is intended to efficiently provide a border for each of your worlds, which only people granted special bypass access are allowed beyond. These borders can be round/elliptic or square/rectangular. As the plugin has been written with performance as the most important goal, it should have no performance impact on your server. Additional world trimming and filling commands are available as well.

 Older plugins which originally inspired the creation of this one: rBorder and BorderGuard.

So, for some reason, my World Border is round. Everytime I change it from true to false, save it, then restart my server, the border goes back to being round. I don't want a round border. I want it squared and crap. I'm lost.

Hi, I have an issue with teleporting from the nether to the overworld. I have the border of the nether set 8 times smaller than the overworld border. If I try returning from the nether to an area that would be outside it's border the world border will think the border to the nether still applies and teleport the player to a random location. For example, I have 8000 nether border and 64000 overworld border. If a player goes to 2000 in the nether and creates a portal, the worldborder plugin will see that the player travels to 16000, and for some reason because that value is higher than 8000(nether border) it will teleport them to some area within 8000 in the overworld. Is there any way to fix this?

My server is installed Worldborder and Terrium. I use "/worldborder world fill", and long times later it tells me finished. But it is still lagg when i explore the map. And most map files in "world/region" are only 8KB. The files of chunks which explored by myself are 8-10MB. What can i do to solve this problem?

I am having troubles with the surface mode of the dynmap, the flat version works all fine with the worldborder.

The surface view goes way beyond the set worldborder when i do a full render and doesnt stop around it. Update render wont help. Even the trim command cant solve this but always shows, that there is nothing to trim.

Has anyone else had the issue on 1.13.1 where the border doesn't show anything physical?

In 1.12.2 and 1.13, there is a border (blue stripes), but in 1.13.1, it keeps people out, knocks them back, and sends them a message. But it doesn't show anything.

I am trying to construct a "master" world that I will copy to different classes, and I wish to limit them to just a certain size so they don't wander off TOO far. Having to create red border blocks around the entire map I wish to use is going to be SO time consuming, when in the Java edition, I could just /worldborder it and be done.

This page's content is only available in Minecraft: Java Edition.World BorderFirst AppearanceRelease 1.8Type of BlockSolidTool UsedNoneTechnical Nameminecraft:world_borderBlast Resistance64StackableObey PhysicsFlammableTransparentRenewable

The world border is the current edge of a Minecraft world, exclusive only to Java Edition meaning Java Edition worlds are not infinite. It appears as animated, diagonal, narrow stripes. When the border is not moving, the stripes are an aqua color; if it is expanding, the stripes appear green; if it is shrinking, the stripes appear red.

The world border is a giant bounding box; by default, its centre lies at coordinates X/Z: 0 with a width and length of 29,999,984 blocks from both ends. At an altitude of approximately 2.147 billion blocks, the effects of the world border will cease. It does not visually display below y=0 and above y=255.

With certain commands, the size and position of the border can be modified. It always behaves in full block increments, even if it is set to a partial block. It maintains its default size across all three dimensions.

Most entities are unable to move through the world border. Any mobs spawned outside the world border via a spawn egg will behave normally. Spiders can climb it, and Endermen can teleport outside of it.

I would like to know if it is possible to have my auto message plugin display current world border size.It will shrink from a diameter of 20000 to 213 at a rate of 34 meters per hour.So occasionally players should get a message like:Warning! The world border is shrinking! Worldborder is currently 18354 meters from spawn. And the number would be in the next message eg. 18320 and gradually getting smaller.

EDIT: I have come to a partial solution on this issue.My current solution is to have automessage tell a message that runs a command "/worldborder get" by the player when clicked the text. also added a permission minecraft.command.worldborder.get to let them run the command.

If you want to instead display the diameter of the worldborder square (centre to midpoint of edge), you can divide the retrieved size by 2 before printing it. This requires an additional scoreboard value to be set to the value 2, in this case it is 2 const:

A shimmering striped animated texture, world borders prevent most entities and blocks from passing it. Entities that do pass it take damage until death or returning into the game's bounds, and some fired through a dispenser past the border can even hover in the air. This border is subject to change, and it can grow or shrink, and players can even set them to certain sizes or coordinates.

In Minecraft: Java Edition, players can use commands via the chat console to change the size and dimensions of a world border. For those on multiplayer servers, this can improve things such as latency and keeping a server's file size small. Additionally, other Minecraft players have challenged themselves to survive in small world borders and either expand the borders slowly or attempt to live for as long as possible inside the borders' confines.

Regardless of reasoning, Minecraft players hoping to alter their world border can do so in Java Edition with commands. Players in Minecraft: Bedrock Edition will likely need additional plugins or mods to tweak a world border for a multiplayer server. However, tactics exist in single player worlds to limit a player's permitted area using things like command blocks.

The world border separates the players from the rest of the generated world and confines them to a small space with limited resources, making it easier for the people on one life to hunt them down. The world border surrounds a 700 by 700 block space and stops the players from creating gigantic structures due to space problems.

Within the world border resides a village that was occupied by The Village people. Other biomes within the border include the Sandlands (also known as the Red Desert and the desert), dark oak forest, a swamp, a river, an oak forest, a birch forest, and a wooded mountain.

Commands, also known as console commands, are advanced features activated by typing certain strings of text. 1 Usage 1.1 Relative world coordinates: Tilde notation 1.2 Local coordinates: Caret notation 1.3 Target selectors 1.3.1 Target selector...

The world border is the current edge of a Minecraft world. 1 Appearance 1.1 Size 2 Effects 2.1 On entities 2.2 On blocks 3 Commands 4 History 5 Issues 6 Trivia 7 Gallery 8 References 9 See also The world border appears as animated, diagonal, narrow...

A Minecraft server is a place where people can play Minecraft online together. These servers can be hosted by the players themselves or provided by third parties. Once you are connected to a Minecraft server you can play with a bunch of other players on the same world. 


 Minecraft servers are fun and are one of the best ways to enjoy Minecraft. You can build your own creations, play minigames or become part of a community. Our Minecraft Server List website is dedicated to helping you find the best Minecraft server for you and your friends.

So far when I see people talk about how far they made it from 0:0, the farthest they say they went is at the 10ks, so substracting 1,875,000 from 10,000 would make it to that you would have to walk 1,865,000 coordinates to get to the coordinates where the world border would be in MineCraft.

from the very beginning of survival online, the border of the game world was at 32714, the player can't go any further, there is no evidence that there are ways to go further than 32714, in December I went from 0: 20000 to 0: 32714, so I made a straight road ( on the portal map ) from 0: 0 to 0: 32700.

In the first days of Purity, world border was very far from spawn (exact numbers are hard to find), and the nether roof was open. To limit the number of new chunks loaded by players, roof was closed and border was reduced to 250k, but some signs of player activity remained in the now inaccessible part of the world. Then, the border was increased to 500k in Overworld and 64k in the Nether (yes, 500 divided by 8 is 62.5, not 64 - when going through a portal past 62.5k, players were just sent to 500k). Border reached its current size on 28th May 2022, after the server updated to 1.18. e24fc04721

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