ILJU MINDS Data Science Intensive Research School

ILJU MINDS Data Science Intensive Research School

Organizer: POSTECH MINDS supported by ILJU Foundation

Dates: August 9 - August 20, 2021

Venue: POSTECH/Online


Rationale: As a part of ILJU Symposium of Mathematics 2021 POSTECH MINDS organizes Data Science Intensive Research School. The research school provides a valuable opportunity in the areas of data science for advanced graduate students to conduct a focused data science research using high quality data collected from industry and research lab for two weeks.

Research team: There are two or three research teams formed. The subjects considered include research based on mobility, CFD and bio-medical data. Each team will be composed of one or two mentors and three to four graduate students. The mentors are from either academia or industry. Students are supposed to work full time during the school period. The expected outcome from each team is a research paper.

Financial support: Stipends are provided to all students participating in the program that can cover their living costs for two weeks.

Application: Students who are interested in participating in the program should submit a cover letter that indicates their intention of participation and a brief explanation of their background, CV and one recommendation letter to Use the following for Subject in the email: Application of MINDS Data Science 2021. The recommendation letter should be sent from their referee directly to

Group application:

Please enter your research group preference below:


Day Schedule (8/9 - 8/20, 2021) - Online

Monday to Friday 9:00AM - 5:00PM - Research Activity (each group decides their own schedule)

12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch

8/9/2021 (Monday)

  • 10:00AM Orientation (Introduction of each group's research topic)

  • 12:00 - 1:30PM Lunch

  • 1:30 PM Resume & finalize the group

  • 2:00 PM Individual group meeting

8/11/2021 (Wednesday) - 3:30 Social gathering I

8/13/2021 (Friday) - 3:30 Presentation I

8/18/2021 (Wednesday) - 3:30 Social gathering II

8/20/2021 (Friday) - 1:00 Presentation II
