MindPad Support
MindPad is an app that allows you to save tasks, notes, and keep organized. For support regarding MindPad, use this page, or contact the developer at: julian_b.iosdev@mobimind.space
Add a new task: Hit the plus icon in the bottom right corner > Select the Add Task option > From here, give the task a name. You can choose to add details to the task. Select a due date if you wish to have a due date associated with the task. > Select one of the save options.
Create a folder: Hit plus button in bottom right corner > select Create Folder > Give the folder a name, and select Save option.
Add task to folder (see below):
Method 1: After creating a task, select the square notepad icon on the right of the task. This will open up all task details > then select the "Add to folder" option. From here, select any available folders. To create a folder, refer to steps above.
Method 2: Click the (>) icon in the bottom right to view your folders. Select the folder you wish to create a task in. Select the plus icon in the bottom right > create the task, and the task will automatically be associated with the folder you created it in.
Move a task to another folder: Select the square notepad icon on the right of a task > in the task details screen, you will see a "Folder options" button > select this, and you can move the task to the desired folder, or remove it from its folder.
View saved notes: In the bottom right corner, select the black circular/rectangle icon with the white and yellow note pad icon.
Add a note:
Method 1: Click the plus icon in the bottom right > select "New Note"
Method 2: Select the black circular/rectangle icon with the white and yellow note pad icon (bottom right) > Select the circular plus button in the bottom right > Create note
Other options: In the top left of the main screen (when you open the app), there is a white button (3 horizontal lines) > select this > From here, you will have the option to sort notes, sort tasks, and to add a passcode to notes.