Cunningham (2005) conducted a user study in which 80% of the students thought "mindmapping helped them understand concepts and ideas in science".[10] Other studies also report some subjective positive effects on the use of mind maps.[11][12] Positive opinions on their effectiveness, however, were much more prominent among students of art and design than in students of computer and information technology, with 62.5% vs 34% (respectively) agreeing that they were able to understand concepts better with mind mapping software.[11] Farrand, Hussain, and Hennessy (2002) found that spider diagrams (similar to concept maps) had limited, but significant, impact on memory recall in undergraduate students (a 10% increase over baseline for a 600-word text only) as compared to preferred study methods (a 6% increase over baseline).[13] This improvement was only robust after a week for those in the diagram group and there was a significant decrease in motivation compared to the subjects' preferred methods of note taking. A meta study about concept mapping concluded that concept mapping is more effective than "reading text passages, attending lectures, and participating in class discussions".[14] The same study also concluded that concept mapping is slightly more effective "than other constructive activities such as writing summaries and outlines". However, results were inconsistent, with the authors noting "significant heterogeneity was found in most subsets". In addition, they concluded that low-ability students may benefit more from mind mapping than high-ability students.

made it super easy to use the mindmap as a fullscreen presentation tool. As a speaker, it helped stay focused on topic under discussion and not get lost with lots of context switching and scope creep. I think I will try it more


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I was not convinced about mindmapping representation before I discover XMind. Now, 99% of my work of Microsoft Visio has been migrated to XMind and my headhaches have disappeared. Thank you for your product that have upgraded the quality of my work (creation of training supports and videos)

In summary is a simple text outline where there is one node at the root level called Root which has one child A. A in turn has two children Band C. In the diagram below we can see this rendered as a mindmap.

Mermaid mindmaps can show nodes using different shapes. When specifying a shape for a node the syntax is similar to flowchart nodes, with an id followed by the shape definition and with the text within the shape delimiters. Where possible we try/will try to keep the same shapes as for flowcharts, even though they are not all supported from the start.

I just start to use mermaid code in markdown file, as I know, the DEVONthink version is 3.8.7(the latest version), and the DTTG version is 3.6.3. I tried the mermaid mindmap code in other markdown editor, it renders well:

copy the nodes in the mindmap and paste - Bam. They turn into tasks. The Child nodes from the mindmap even turn up as indented text in Asana - so you can recognise subtasks. Multiple-select and drag them into a task as sub-tasks.

Hi. I saw this and tried it with a different mindmap tool I use (SimpleMind) and it worked too. I exported/copied outline mode. Nice to know pasting hierarchical text stays that way for at least a few other tools we Asana users have in our bag of tricks. Hope this helps others at least check if pasting from other tools they use might work as well. Cheers!

Great post guys! @Alexis is there any plans to incorporate a native mind mapping feature into Asana at some point? Im with @George_supreeth I find using a mindmap to get ideas out to be way more efficient than how you would add them to Asana. Being able to create a mind map and create actionable tasks from it would be awesome.

From my point of view this is awesome for every mindmapper, we can outline the project and complex issues in a mindmap and once done we can simply send the tasks to an Asana project and collaborate from there.

I am really excited


im trying to use the jamboard but im heavily missing the feature of quickly and easily creating tree structures like mindmaps or site maps.

There are a lot of tools doing this. Miro does quite a good job.

Implementing a feature like this would really help to consider working with the jamboard an option.

Figjam is amazing and I will enjoy it a lot if we have this feature available!

Even with some templates, like Gleb share with us, I think that is not useful enough. In my opinion, I spend a precious time trying to align everything. If we had some functionality that adds ramifications automatically, like other tools we have available, would be a huge help and the process of building a mindmap would be a million times more agile, pleasurable, and efficient

I know we can manual get around making some of these charts like Mindmaps, but having the mindmap workflow (which is based around quick and fluid mapping) would change it from possible to a good user experience.

For years I tried various mindmap programs and always quit. To work well, they've got to be very good. I've found one now that allows me to type as fast as I can ideas and then just move them around easily. cut connections, reconnect. It has to be fast. It has to be much better than a simple outline. This is hard to do and I don't think it can be done with md, css, and electron. Real useful mindmapping deserves its own program.

I think that something like markmap with joplin will already go a long way but I agree that it will not be a complete mindmap solution. Some things are already possible with mermaid but I think markmap would be simpler and faster to type.

Fully agree, speed and a small number of keystrokes per "new node" are essential. That is why Freemind was great, and Simplemind isn't. But back to Joplin, if one could paste a mindmap into Joplin (manually or automaticlly) that would be a great feature.

TLDR: I've assembled a mindmap of all EA (-related) entities I could find. You can access it at If I missed or misrepresented anything: leave a note (in the mindmap) and I'll add it or correct it. I've also added other existing lists of orgs to this post. 

Somehow I still ended up sharing my mindmap with others, as it gives a clear visual overview of the orgs per main category or cause area. I know it is not perfect, but it is easy to maintain and people seem to like it. I was asked multiple times to add it to the forum, so here it is.

I had reservations about sharing the mindmap, considering some organisations might not wish to be associated with EA. Guided by @Diego Oliveira's advise, I've published it but will retract if any substantial concerns arise due to its posting.

Furthermore, it might not be ideal that a random person is making mindmaps. I might stop maintaining it tomorrow, which further increases entropy, without adding value. I'm aware of this and I wouldn't mind it at all if an official EA org mindmap (or otherwise clear overview) would replace mine or if I was asked to remove everything.

Oh wow, 50 alt protein companies in the Netherlands alone! And one very promising I know (Farmless) isn't even on the list. Thanks a lot for sharing; very exciting. I have added a link to the database, as the mindmap would otherwise explode.

My text will be in .md files anyway. That will include details of characters, locations etc as well as the MSS. They can easily be accessed in AT3, Plottr etc through file links.

I have realised that I can use an identical approach with mindmaps and outlines. All the main programs use OPML and it should be straightforward for me to have the most up-to-date versions in OPML files, and accessible through file links. I might find a tweak or two is required when I test it out, but it should work.

Our team often starts with brainstorming, what has to be done for a certain project. So we build a mindmap with all our ideas, then we structure it and prioritize (that works well in a mindmap as you can collapse branches and only see top level elements). Then we start with prio one items from the mindmap and take them into our board as tasks. As they are linked you then see in the mindmap which elements we are currently working on and if we assigned a member to a task you see also who works on it and how the progress is.

As mindmaps are flexible, everyone uses it their own way. We use mindmaps as an ideation excercise. Usually, the levels on the map and tasks are not co-related. On one branch, we could discover a task at the second level. On another branch a task could be at 5th level.

What I'm looking for is a mindmapping app that's sort-of compatible with Designer. What does that mean: If I create a flow-shart I'd like to be able to copy/paste it in AD. I tried that workflow with OmniGraffle but the imported data is quite weirdly structured and more often than ever I've git to recreate everything in AD.

The good things about the holiday season is that I have more spare time to learn more about Cardano project. I have created a mindmap for Cardano to help myself and I hope that it is also useful for you as well, because I get lost with all these fancy mythology names: Ouroboros, Plutus, Hydra

I am trying to find a way to import a Docear/Freeplane mindmap into Knime. I would appreciate help to deal with this issue in two ways: (a) creating a workflow based on the XML file exported from Docear/Freeplane; (b) idea about how to start a node development in order to import native .mm files.

Sadly, there will be no Ipad version of the mindmapping application Novamind. The planned version looked great, but apparently Gideon King, the founder of Novamind, aimed to high. For health reasons, he has now sold the company. With typical sincerity, he describes the process in a farewell message:

Message from Novamind founder

Mindmaps are usually trees, so "Layout" -> "Tree" would be one option. If your mindmap is no tree for some reason, try "Layout" -> "Hierarchical". In both cases, you want "Orientation" set to "Left To Right". See Tree (graph theory) for more information on trees. ff782bc1db

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