
Brew up some piping hot chai, pull up your chair and join us!

We are bringing to you an online video-series that is all about creating conversation when it comes to acknowledging the mental stress that overwhelms our everyday lives,
especially in these unprecedented times of COVID-19 in Pakistan.

Get the opportunity to meet & listen to fellow Pakistanis who have embraced different journeys towards mental wellbeing through various mindfulness endeavours.

Our Speakers

M. Mubashir Khamisa

Furniture Design-Artist

Haya Lutfullah

Conceptual Jewellery Artist

Alaina Roy

Kathak Dancer, Choreographer and Teacher

Muzaffar Bukhari

Founder 'Veritas Learning Circle'

Bisha Shabir

Yoga Teacher
Founder 'The Yoga Well'

Lylaa Shaikh

Self Taught Cook
Chartered Accountant

Join in the Conversation!

Share your personal story about how you have come to cope with stress, anxiety or any other turmoil in times of COVID-19.

We would LOVE to feature your story on our social media!

Simply use the hashtag #mindfulpakistani in your Instagram post or mention @mindful_pakistani in your Instagram story.

You can also DM us on our Instagram account for anonymous story submissions. Please rest assured, your comfort and sense of security is of great importance to us.

Follow our campaign on Instagram now!