Mind Builders

I'm an Android App Developer and my goal is to make the kind of apps that help you to BE and to DO.

--Made specifically for voice actors to keep track of their voices

Need a little helper to keep track of your voices in your fantasy novel with dozens of characters? Voice Box makes it easy to catalog and track your voices so you can quickly reference the subtleties specific to a character.

Want to track the time you spend on your goals? Meet Time Goalie!

Time Goalie allows you to create "Time Goals", where you can specify if you want to limit the time you spend on a goal, or if you want to encourage yourself to spend a minimum time amount on a goal.

Sometimes our mind reacts to difficult situations with automatic negative thoughts. These thoughts sometimes make our negative emotions more powerful. This app is a simple interactive log that allows you to match up your negative thoughts with cognitive distortions.

This process of identifying cognitive distortions and finding rational positive thoughts to counteract the negative thoughts can powerfully affect your emotions for the better.