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Patients with semantic dementia (SD) have significant impairments in naming and comprehension, but demonstrate relatively intact attention, everyday memory, and visuospatial skills. Given these preserved skills, attempts have been made to help re-build vocabulary in SD patients, with promising results. Such reports, however, are generally based upon only one or two cases and have employed variable retraining methods. It is thus unclear which elements of practice are crucial to success. Over two studies, we assessed four patients undergoing a word training program, who ranged in severity from mild to severe impairments to semantic knowledge. All four participants showed significant improvements in their ability to name trained items, with no changes in untrained items over the same time period. Improvements were evident within 3 weeks of practice, and could be established from a simple, repetitive practice of word-picture pairing, carried out at the participant's home. Strong effect sizes of the treatment were found in patients with severe deficits. Maintenance of learning was observed on some follow-up assessments, although continued practice is likely to be needed to sustain naming performance. Incorporating generation tasks into the practice may be assistive, but was not essential to success. These data support the utility of implementing simple home-practice programs even for patients with significant language deficits.

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Microsoft Word is a word processing program used for writing memos and building reports, but it can also be used to make mind maps! A mind map is a flexible project management tool used to organize information and ideas.

Not to say that you have to be a designer to create a mind map. This versatile tool is for all types of ideas and projects! Mind maps can help from planning marketing campaigns to collecting information about a key subject.

Save your perfect mind map line by making it the default line in Word. This will drastically reduce the amount of time spent copying, pasting, and formatting a new line every time. Then, save it to your Quick Access Toolbar (mentioned in tip #2)! To set a new default line:

Though Microsoft Word is one of the most popular software available, it is limited to the demands and changes of a modern workforce and you may need to check out MS Word alternatives. Even performing the most basic actions to create a simple table took many clicks and careful navigation to complete our timeline build.

The Feed Your Mind initiative offers science-based, plain-language information in the form of web content, fact sheets, infographics, and videos that you can share with your constituents, members, partners, and other stakeholders to increase their knowledge and understanding of GMOs.

With the launch of this Initiative, FDA encourages you to feed your mind with science-based resources including webpages, fact sheets, infographics, and videos developed in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

GMO (genetically modified organism) is the common term used to describe a plant, animal, or microorganism that has had its genetic material (DNA) altered through a process called genetic engineering. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and U.S. Department of Agriculture work together under the Coordinated Framework for the Regulation of Biotechnology to ensure that GMOs are safe for human, plant, and animal health. These agencies also monitor the impact of GMOs on the environment.

Kahneman sees the human mind fail in multiple ways. The root of the problem is that the Doing Mind is always working and the Word Mind is lazy. No matter what you do, you cannot turn the Doing Mind off; it will always supply an answer to a question, even if it has no idea what it is talking about. This is particularly true of questions that are better answered by the Word Mind. Compounding the problem, the Word Mind requires a lot of work and effort to bring to bear. It is very resource-intensive; it tires easily; it cannot multi-task. So although it is very, very good at certain things, it is also very limited. Kahneman often sees the Word Mind fail to answer questions it should.

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Playing with words and ideas liberates your mind and activates your creativity. This is one of the ways I play with ideas for Art Bundles, working in a series as well as how I map out blog posts and the writing of my forthcoming book.

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The Artist's Journey and The Adjacent Possible are registered trademarks of Nancy Hillis Studio, LLC

Unlike other language decoding systems in development, this system does not require subjects to have surgical implants, making the process noninvasive. Participants also do not need to use only words from a prescribed list. Brain activity is measured using an fMRI scanner after extensive training of the decoder, in which the individual listens to hours of podcasts in the scanner. Later, provided that the participant is open to having their thoughts decoded, their listening to a new story or imagining telling a story allows the machine to generate corresponding text from brain activity alone.

In addition to having participants listen or think about stories, the researchers asked subjects to watch four short, silent videos while in the scanner. The semantic decoder was able to use their brain activity to accurately describe certain events from the videos.

The system currently is not practical for use outside of the laboratory because of its reliance on the time need on an fMRI machine. But the researchers think this work could transfer to other, more portable brain-imaging systems, such as functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS).

The word wrap tool adds line breaks to text. This makes the topic look less wide. Long press the word wrap tool to automatically wrap the topic.

The word wrap tool removes existing lines breaks before it adds new line breaks. It maintains paragraphs and lists. Those are recognized based on markdown syntax.

Add a minimum width and height for a topic to change the topic size, regardless of topic text. You can select this via Element style. If you want to use this more often, you may want to add the "Resize Tool" to your topic tools via Preferences - General - Topic Tools. Simply drag the tool to resize the topic.

Entrepreneurship is often associated with capitalism, big tech, and success. Furthermore, social entrepreneurship tends to conjure thoughts of service, philanthropy, and societal impact but not necessarily opportunities for career building or financial prosperity.

At a recent Wintersession workshop, three Keller staff members set out to challenge students to reconsider their assumptions and expand their understanding of how they might make impact through innovative business solutions.

Carrie Collins, Business Operations Administrator, led the participants of Social Entrepreneurship: Using Your Skills in the Service of Humanity in a word cloud exercise that illustrated how the group of graduate and undergraduate students connected with the term social entrepreneurship.

Keller faculty member Manish Bhardwaj then set the session's tone with a short talk on the morality of entrepreneurship and innovation. He proposed that the participants reflect on not only what they can do but what we ought to do, and must do to impact others. Bhardwaj teaches this concept and the moral imperative of social justice through innovation in his course Entrepreneurship for the Idealist.

A panel of alumni entrepreneurs joined the group and shared insights, advice, and their own entrepreneurial stories, all of which began in Keller's eLab program. Each touched on common topics of motivation, life-work balance, burn-out, and self-doubt. All emphasized the importance of leadership coaching and engaged mentors, self-awareness, self-care, the power of staying open and flexible with your goals.

Stephanie Landers, Entrepreneurial Program Manager and Manda Ryan, Program Coordinator for eLab and the Princeton Startup Immersion Program moderated the session. Both bring a wealth of experience in supporting student-founded business creation and have created a business incubator and accelerator program that encourages students to bridge the gap between social and commercial endeavors.

Landers' goal in hosting this workshop was to encourage the Princeton community to tap into their skills and talents to help humanity. The uptick in interest in societal impact projects throughout the Princeton community has been a source of encouragement for Landers.

"I hope to see more students in the eLab Accelerator program pursuing social ventures with the potential of making a great impact. I believe that one can indeed be a successful entrepreneur while doing good for the planet, for their country, for their community," said Landers.

Ryan works with both entrepreneurial-minded students and early-stage startup companies. As a result, she sees firsthand the value and potential of business creation with a purpose and the importance that our young entrepreneurs see the possibilities and opportunities taking a unique pathway to success can provide. 152ee80cbc

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