I am a french aphant, so please excuse my english ?

Your article is a light of hope in my life. To think that being possible of seeing images in my mind one day is amazing.

I have a few questions for you. Do you think your new capacity make your life better? Is it incredible to see vivid images after years of blindness? Do this hard training worth it afterall?

Hi. Thanks for the question. Basically, yes. As per the video, you need to describe what you see to a friend or into a voice recorder. You need to use as much detail as possible. But, yes, just describe what you see and the images you see in your head may become more bright, clear, colorful, and in focus.

Mind Map Images Download

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Thank you for your reply!

So today i started with the eye rubbing technique and i am also looking at different shapes on my laptop and afterwards i am describing the after image. So i look at it, close my eyes, describe the different colors, shapes, dots and when i can not see anything anymore i repeat it. Does this sound right?

And how am i supposed to add other senses like smell, touch and stuff like that?

Continue for more than just few days, after maybe 2 weeks or earlier you will see progress, but as i think this depends of person. Someone will see progress after 6 days and somone after one month. If you have aphantasia as i think it could take more time. Just practise you will see and back here again and say what you get, dont forget. Bye

My progress is really weird, i am practising looking at my mind (darkness) 25 days but i didnt describing. I started doing this with describing 10 days now, and! My progress is like reverse, yesterday i realised my mind worked horrible, dramatical memory, zero focus. Today is better but still not good. I believe this is something like tired mind and effect of this technique and now will be better and better. And no idea about imagination progress becouse visualisation working different through days and i can say only after bigger progress. Anyway my imagination works nice through this days. I am looking at this darkness when i close my eyes. I see colors, patterns which durning the session change to stronger fiolet and green patterns and sometimes this is stronger and i see storm of this colors, but i didnt reach realistic pictures yet. And sometimes my pictures are really intresting, this color storm have been transforming into more realistic views, but i saw it just once, i hope this will be stronger, better and more realistic with time.

hi Matthew

i can actually say yes to this. i have been image streaming for about six months now and can get very acurate images so far as to say i went through my whole career, every company i worked for every face i met, over about twenty years, It was so clear and remarkable, Where i think alot of people go wrong is where they try to force images. i got into the habit of using Win Wenger breathing velvet breaths for a few mins. this will relax you and calm you but remember to talk aloud what you see or you will just fall asleep. the more you describe, the more images will appear.

I also found a website at that has a forum full of people who experience aphantasia. I was alarmed to discover that there are a lot of people with the condition who are frightened or otherwise unwilling to even want to visualize effectively, while there are others who (like me) feel sad that they lack the ability.

I am confused, after I close my eye, I see 2 type of image, one is just dark, which is what i see behind my eye lid; another one is the image in my mind (not in front of my closed eye), which is some movies/images that i have just watched. Which image should i observe? Thank you

I hope this works, though I cannot help but feel pessimistic. Image streaming has been used as a dubious method to increase intelligence, but maybe this is a more useful application. I also cannot literally think in words, because I cannot imagine sounds: I literally have to express in sound or writing to even think, which causes trouble in situations where I have to be quiet.

To add an image drag and drop it onto the topic (not available on Android) or tap on the topic toolbar and the image icon .

 After adding the image, use the resize tool to make the image bigger or smaller.

This adds an image outside the topic. The image has no visible connection to the topic.


The image is anchored to topic: if you move the topic, the image moves along with it. Drag and drop the image to another topic to anchor the image to that other topic. 

In free form layout drag an image and move it anywhere on the mind map. In auto layout drag an image to change the distance between the topic and the image.

*The AppStore editions have more security measures, therefor links can open on that device only. This means when you add a link on iPhone, you may not be able to open the linked image on your iPad or Mac.

The site is secure. 

 The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely.

Brain scans have frequently been credited with uniquely seductive and persuasive qualities, leading to claims that fMRI research receives a disproportionate share of public attention and funding. It has been suggested that functional brain images are fascinating because they contradict dualist beliefs regarding the relationship between the body and the mind. Although previous research has indicated that brain images can increase judgments of an article's scientific reasoning, the hypotheses that brain scans make research appear more interesting, surprising, or worthy of funding have not been tested. Neither has the relation between the allure of brain imaging and dualism. In the following three studies, laypersons rated both fictional research descriptions and real science news articles accompanied by brain scans, bar charts, or photographs. Across 988 participants, we found little evidence of neuroimaging's seductive allure or of its relation to self-professed dualistic beliefs. These results, taken together with other recent null findings, suggest that brain images are less powerful than has been argued.

Some mind mapping tools like Ayoa are so powerful. You can add images directly to the main node or children. In Miro, we can't add images to nodes directly. We can just add them to the board and it is not useful. Because of that, we can not align pictures together with nodes by your perfect align button. We have to re-arrange the images again and again. Please add this feature to your perfect app. Thanks in advance.

We work often with couples that have experienced sexual trauma in their marriage. One of the partners has had an affair. The other partner has found out, in whatever way, and the pain is . . . well . . . steal, kill and destroy are good words that come to mind (John 10:10).

These horrible pictures do not go away. These horrid imaginations are created, then played back over and over, and pulled up for viewing at the slightest trigger. These images haunt. They harass. They torture. They kill, steal and destroy.

Do you have images, imaginations and video pictures that run through your mind that steal, kill and destroy your well-being? Do you have images that haunt you, harass you, and torture you? They could be pornography images. They could be horrifying images of a death you witnessed. You could have the actual images in your mind of your childhood abuser. Whatever the image, I would suggest this exercise as a holy, symbolic and powerful way to cleanse and restore the righteous reign of Christ in your heart and mind.

In the philosophy of mind, neuroscience, and cognitive science, a mental image is an experience that, on most occasions, significantly resembles the experience of "perceiving" some object, event, or scene but occurs when the relevant object, event, or scene is not actually present to the senses.[1][2][3][4] There are sometimes episodes, particularly on falling asleep (hypnagogic imagery) and waking up (hypnopompic imagery), when the mental imagery may be dynamic, phantasmagoric, and involuntary in character, repeatedly presenting identifiable objects or actions, spilling over from waking events, or defying perception, presenting a kaleidoscopic field, in which no distinct object can be discerned.[5] Mental imagery can sometimes produce the same effects as would be produced by the behavior or experience imagined.[6]

The nature of these experiences, what makes them possible, and their function (if any) have long been subjects of research and controversy in philosophy, psychology, cognitive science, and, more recently, neuroscience. As contemporary researchers use the expression, mental images or imagery can comprise information from any source of sensory input; one may experience auditory images,[7] olfactory images,[8] and so forth. However, the majority of philosophical and scientific investigations of the topic focus on visual mental imagery. It has sometimes been assumed that, like humans, some types of animals are capable of experiencing mental images.[9] Due to the fundamentally introspective (reflective) nature of the phenomenon, it has been difficult to assess whether or not non-human animals experience mental imagery.

Philosophers such as George Berkeley and David Hume, and early experimental psychologists such as Wilhelm Wundt and William James, understood ideas in general to be mental images. Today, it is very widely believed that much imagery functions as mental representations (or mental models), playing an important role in memory and thinking.[10][11][12][13] William Brant (2013, p. 12) traces the scientific use of the phrase "mental images" back to John Tyndall's 1870 speech called the "Scientific Use of the Imagination". Some have suggested that images are best understood to be, by definition, a form of inner, mental, or neural representation.[14][15] Others reject the view that the image experience may be identical with (or directly caused by) any such representation in the mind or the brain,[16][17][18][19][20][21] but do not take account of the non-representational forms of imagery. 152ee80cbc

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