Privacy Policy

We really thank you for playing Mind-Blowing Action Games! We respect your privacy and we take care of it seriously. This privacy policy describes what information Mind-Blowing Action Games gathers, uses and processes when you use its apps. We keep on updating our privacy policy so kindly read it frequently. This privacy policy applies to our all of free to play games with optional in-game-purchases choice.


Based on the legal bases, we only disclose your information to the following categories of recipients:

Our team members and co-developers for the purpose of analytics and game development. We only reveal data about how you play the game and use the app.

Authorized social networks and social media sites.

Third parties only if it is necessary to share your personal data under applicable law, and legal process.

Trusted authorities if we find your actions are inconsistent with the language of our policies or in a case sharing is crucial to protect your rights and safety of OT Ventures and its users.

Other parties for the purpose of certain in-app features, such as leaderboards when you log into the App using a third-party service.

Advertising companies to serve their contextual advertisements such as your Device ID, IP-address and ID of advertising etc.

Moreover, we share your advertising ID to advertising network companies with your consent in compliance with law. It is done for serving behavioral advertisements to you within the App you use. Following are the advertising network companies we may use for this regard.

- Facebook Ads

- Flurry

- Adcolony

- Tapjoy

- chartboost

- Supersonic/IronSource

- InMobi

- Mobvista

- Vungle

All the recipients' use of the information revealed will not come under this privacy policy act. If you have any query regarding the processing done by third parties, you can review their privacy policy. In addition to our processing, we use data processors such as technical service providers, and server hosting providers to support user login services, internal operations, and analytics service providers etc.