浅利 みなと
Minato Asari

所属 Affiliation

東京都立大学 大学教育センター 特任助教
東京都立大学 人文科学研究科 客員研究員

2023. 04-
Project Assistant Professor, University Education Center, Tokyo Metropolitan University
Visiting Researcher, Graduate School of Humanities, Tokyo Metropolitan University

経歴 Education CV researchmap

2012-2016年 首都大学東京(現 東京都立大学) 都市教養学部

2016-2019年 首都大学東京 人文科学研究科 哲学・西洋古典学教室 博士前期課程 

2019-2023年 東京都立大学 人文科学研究科 哲学・西洋古典学教室 博士後期課程 単位取得満期退学

2012-2016 Tokyo Metropolitan University B.A. Philosophy

2016-2019 Tokyo Metropolitan University M.A. Philosophy

2019-2023 Tokyo Metropolitan University Ph.D. candidate

My Philosophy Tree

💡Upcoming Events

2025年6月17-19日 Asia-Pacific Philosophy of Science Association 2025

専門分野 Areas of Specialization

言語哲学 Philosophy of Language

関心がある分野 Areas of Interest

形式意味論 Formal Semantics
語用論 Pragmatics
論理学 Logic
生物学の哲学 Philosophy of Biology
動物のコミュニケーション Animal Communication
高大連携活動の定量的分析 Quantitative Analysis of Coordinating Activities between High School and University

Who am I?




Hello there! I specialize in studying human and animal language. My current research project involves exploring animal communication to derive useful concepts that can be applied to analyze human communication. Currently, I am particularly interested in studying the conceptual aspects of mimicry and camouflage. The title of my forthcoming dissertation is "Philosophical Studies on Camouflage."

In addition, I have a strong passion for education in general. I have worked as a cram school teacher for the past eleven years, teaching over two hundred students ranging from grades three to twelve. As a graduate student, I have also been involved in coordinating activities between high school and university. This includes giving lectures on my research to high school students and supporting Project Based Learning (PBL) in high schools.