
Firebase Chat Developed in SwiftUI

Travel Discovery Developed in SwiftUI

Mini Apps Developed in Swift & Obj-C


RoaringTriassic, fun and sparkling app that adds dynamic virtual content to real-world objects, uses ARKit, the 3D graphics framework for iOS. This is perfect for companion apps at museums, galleries, amusement parks and colleges. It can bring to life any place that we want to provide a dynamic or user-specific experience.


ObjectDetect, a lovely friendly cutting-edge tool, mlmodel, used to recognize objects around us based on machine learning and deep learning algorithms. 


PalSoc, a fun Kotlin one-to-one messaging app with Firebase cloud functions, user authentications for images storage and push notifications. 


ListMe, an adorable small app, uses Firebase database for data savings, real time data sync, user authentications, online user monitor, and offline support enable.


YOURs, for unique documents of kid's memory by image captures with a unique Disney photo frame and beautiful animated photo albums based on Disney's characters and stories. MapKit for the store location is anchored and annotated as well as WebViews for news of Disney brand.