But then you probably already know this is no wish list or private NSA hacking tool, but the well-established mimikatz post-exploitation tool. In this post, we look at what mimikatz is, how it is used, why it still works, and how to successfully protect endpoints against it.

The mimikatz tool was first developed in 2007 by Benjamin Delpy. So why are we writing about mimikatz today? Quite simply because it still works. Not only that, but mimikatz has, over the years, become commoditized, expanded and improved upon in several ways.

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Initially, mimikatz was focused on the exploitation of WDigest. Prior to 2013, Windows loaded encrypted passwords into memory, as well as the decryption key for said passwords. Mimikatz simplified the process of extracting these pairs from memory, revealing the credential sets.

Over time Microsoft has made adjustments to the OS, and corrected some of the flaws that allow mimikatz to do what it does, but the tool stays on top of these changes and adjusts accordingly. More recently, mimikatz has fixed modules that were crippled post-Windows 10 1809, such as sekurlsa::logonpasswords.

Mimikatz supports both 64-bit x64 and 32-bit x86 architectures with separate builds. One of the reasons mimikatz is so dangerous is its ability to load the mimikatz DLL reflexively into memory. When combined with PowerShell (e.g., Invoke-Mimikatz) or similar methods, the attack can be carried out without anything being written to disk.

Many prominent threats bundle mimikatz directly or leverage their implementations to pull credentials or simply spread via the discovered credential sets. NotPetya and BadRabbit are two huge examples, but more recently, Trickbot contains its own implementation for basic credential theft and lateral movement.

SentinelOne stop mimikatz from scraping credentials from protected devices. In addition to other built-in protection, we have added a mechanism that does not allow the reading of passwords, regardless of the policy settings.

Mimikatz is an Open Source malware program used by hackers and penetration testers to gather credentials on Windows computers. Coded by Benjamin Deply in 2007, mimikatz was originally created to be a proof of concept to learn about Microsoft authentication protocol vulnerabilities. However, mimikatz has since become a popularly downloaded hacking tool.

In order to function completely, mimikatz requires administrator or full system controls. A mimikatz attack uses several techniques to find sensitive information such as plaintext passwords, hash, pin codes, and tickets from the memory of a system. The collected credentials can then be used to access unauthorized information or perform lateral movement attacks.

While mimikatz is generally used as an underground and harmful tool, and spreading malware viruses is illegal in most countries, some professionals may still advertise this as a skill they perform within the commercial hacking industry. This is where companies hire white hat hackers to help them search for weaknesses in their own security systems.

There are always new ways to hack a computer using mimikatz, so defenses against it need to be adaptable and updated to stay effective. A mimikatz attack is hard to detect, but it is possible to check whether a machine or account is compromised. It is easier to execute a mimikatz attack in a system with wide access, because it stores several credentials under one access point. For example, a user that runs Windows with a single sign-on (SSO) system.

Doh, new Invoke-Mimikatz does not work anymore in newer updates of Win10. MS implemented security fixes that break invoke-reflectivepeinjection. So, mimikatz inside does work but the method Invoke uses to inject it does not. That also breaks my injection techniques for Windows 10.

Doesn't matter as AV on Windows 10 will detect Invoke-Mimikatz.ps1 even if I heavily obfuscate the powershell with Invoke-Obfuscation. Method on Win 10 will have to be a dropper after you kill the realtime AV. Once done you could drop the original mimikatz.exe to the drive (sorry, only way on new Win10 right now) and run it to drop a log in its current directory with:

Yeah, that version doesn't work anymore. Here is the part where people will need to begin the hunt for their own for a working copy. I no longer use Powershell version of mimikatz but have moved over to .NET solutions. There is probably a working version out there but I do not have it. I actually compiled me a .NET 4.0 version of SharpSploit's dll and use that reflectively for stuff in Powershell if I use Powershell or I create an app to ingest it. So, I guess you can say I actually created my own Powershell version borrowing .NET versions of the libraries from SharpSploit.

I read that minidump still works instead of the lsa permission method. Now the only error i get is error 0x2 which is a file not found error because tspkg cant find the .dmp file. I cant find minidump in the script to see if the proper code is there to create the .dmp file or what path the .dmp file might be saving to, and I believe the minidump code might be in the encoded base64 string which I do not know how to decode. Is it possible for you to post a completely decoded version of invoke-mimikatz.ps1? I like the default powershell script because I do not want to install .net framework to run it. I really want to get this script working if thats possible to edit the save path of the .dmp file.

BC Security has forked the Powershell Empire project to their github, updated it and all its modules so their revived version of PSEmpire has a updated copy of the Mimikatz powershell script updated 11-25 of this year that works out the box. Oh, you always have to be admin and UAC has to be bypassed for any version of mimikatz to work.

If I intent on doing a proc dump of lsass, I usually use another program or script to do a minidump of lsass so well known malicious bins (like mimikatz) don't have to be loaded on the victim. I copy that off and then use the non-powershell mimikatz to process or pypykatz or any of the other dump file processors out there. If I am on the box, I have high privilege and I intent on using mimikatz, might as well just process the memory in place rather than leave artifacts writing to disk.

I've been searching for a working solution just to dump the logon hashes with powershell. Haven't found a working one, but instead found a working invoke-mimikatz! The one from PowerSploit and Empire doesn't work, but the one from nishang does. Link: -Mimikatz.ps1

The defender / blue-teamer (or the blue-team's manager) will often say "this sounds like malware, isnt't that what Antivirus is?". Sadly, this is half right - malware does use this style of attack. The Emotet strain of malware for instance does exactly this, once it gains credentials and persistence it often passes control to other malware (such as TrickBot or Ryuk). Also sadly, it's been pretty easy to bypass AV on this for some time now - there are a number of well-known bypasses that penetration testers use for the Mimikatz + AV combo, many of them outlined on the BHIS blog: -anti-virus-run-mimikatz

Update: After this article was published, the author of mimikatz, Benjamin Delpy, discovered that the Kerberos SSP also stores your password in memory and his tool will now dump the password from this module as discussed in his blog Re-re-re-pass-the-pass. After further study on Kerberos, it appears that the reason for storing the password is to allow Windows to automatically renew the Keberos Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) without the user having to retype the password every few hours. The TGT is effectively the LM/NT hash in the Kerberos model, except that it expires and must be renewed regularly, unlike password hashes which are valid until the password is changed. e24fc04721

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