Mule supports numerous protocols which can be configured as endpoints. Many, but not all of the protocols included with Mule are already configured as endpoint-based connectors available as processors in the connectors category of the palette. These include FTP, HTTP, and Ajax, for instance.

The normal properties windows tabs are at your disposal. Whether you use the connector to access an inbound or outbound endpoint, you configure the desired settings via these windows, or via the Configuration XML of your application. For background reading, see Endpoint Configuration Reference

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Whether for a one-way or request-response generic connector, set additional properties on your endpoint(s) from the Advanced tab, where you can fix the endpoint address, and tune the connector to your desired use. Track your business events by default by selecting the corresponding checkbox (see below).

A global endpoint, which acts as a template that can be used to construct an inbound or outbound endpoint elsewhere in the configuration by referencing the global endpoint name. Each transport implements its own endpoint element, with a more friendly syntax, but this generic element can be used with any transport by supplying the correct address URI. For example, "vm://foo" describes a VM transport endpoint.

So I have an ORDS 3.0 application installed on Tomcat 8/BonCode AJP connector/IIS 8.5 setup. I enabled SSO and SSL and everything was working fine. Now, all of a sudden, without any changes made I started receiving Generic Connector Communication Error error when accessing any application on Tomcat, not just ords.

Oracle Identity Manager is a centralized identity management solution that provides self service, compliance, provisioning and password management services for applications residing on-premise or on the Cloud. Oracle Identity Manager connectors are used to integrate Oracle identity Manager with the external and identity-aware applications.

The Generic REST connector is a solution to integrate OIM with REST-based identity-aware applications. A REST-based identity-aware application is any application that exposes its REST APIs or interfaces for identity management.

RELEASE_NUMBER has been used as a placeholder for the current release number of the connector. Therefore, replace all instances of RELEASE_NUMBER with the release number of the connector. For example,

In order to connect with a REST-based target system, the Generic REST connector supports HTTP Basic Authentication and OAuth 2.0 authentication mechanisms. This connector also supports authenticating to the target system by using access token as an input from the user. This authentication mechanism can be useful if your target system does not provide a programmatic approach to obtain access tokens.

If your target system does not support any of the authentication types supported by this connector, then you can implement the custom authentication that your target system supports. You can connect this custom implementation to the connector by using the plug-ins exposed by this connector.

The Generic REST connector synchronizes data between OIM and REST-based target systems by performing reconciliation and provisioning operations that parse data in the JSON format. If your target system does not support request or response payload in JSON format, then you can create your own implementation for parsing data. You can connect this custom implementation to the connector by using the plug-ins exposed by this connector.

The Generic REST connector is a connector for a discovered target system. This is because the schema of the REST-based target system with which the connector integrates is not known in advance. The Generic REST connector is not shipped with any artifacts. Instead, it is shipped with a set of deployment utilities that help in discovering the schema of the REST-based target system and generating the artifacts.

The connector will support the languages that are supported by Oracle Identity Manager. Resource bundles are not part of the connector installation media as the resource bundle entries vary depending on the target system being used.

The features of the connector include support for full and incremental reconciliation, limited reconciliation, custom authentication, custom parsing, custom payload, handling multiple endpoint URLs, and SSL communication.

After you create the connector, you can perform full reconciliation to bring all existing user data from the target system to Oracle Identity Manager. After the first full reconciliation run, you can configure your connector for incremental reconciliation. In incremental reconciliation, only records that are added or modified after the last reconciliation run are fetched into Oracle Identity Manager.

By default, the Generic REST connector supports request and response payloads only in the JSON format. If your target system does not support request or response payload in JSON format, then you can implement a custom parsing logic by using plug-ins exposed by this connector.

Unavailability of point-to-point connectors for all applications. In such a scenario, one needs to develop custom connectors which increases time and effort to develop, deploy and test the custom connector.

An alternative to this approach is to use the Generic REST connector that can be used to integrate all the cloud applications with OIM. The Generic REST connector provides the ability to manage accounts across all cloud applications without spending additional resources and time on building custom connectors for each cloud application.

The Generic REST connector is a hybrid approach that helps enterprises leverage on-premise OIM deployment to integrate with target systems for identity governance. These targets systems include any application that exposes REST APIs such as SaaS, PaaS, home-grown applications and so on.

The Generic REST Connector manages individuals who can access Cloud service by defining them as users in the system and assigning them to groups. This connector allows new users to self-provision on a Generic REST Cloud Service, while having it be controlled by IT. Users can request and provision from a catalog of cloud-based resources that is established by OIM administrators. For example, to create a new user in the target system, fill in and submit the OIM process form to trigger the provisioning operation. The connector executes the create operation against your target system and the user is created on successful execution of the operation. Similarly, operations such as delete and update can be performed.

The Generic REST Connector manages Cloud services objects (if exposed by the target system) as entitlements. Depending on the target system being used, this connector can be used to manage entitlements such as Groups, Roles, Licenses, Folders, Collaboration and so on. For example, you can use the Generic REST connector to automatically assign or revoke groups to users based on predefined access policies in OIM. Similarly, you can use the Generic REST Connector to manage role memberships that provide selective access to certain Cloud Service functionality or groups. Therefore, as new users are added to a specific role, they automatically gain corresponding access in the applications.

The ICF is a component that provides basic reconciliation and provisioning operations that are common to all Oracle Identity Manager connectors. In addition, ICF provides common features that developers would otherwise need to implement on their own, such as connection pooling, buffering, time outs, and filtering. The ICF is shipped along with Oracle Identity Manager.

The primary function of the Generic REST connector is to connect to any application that exposes its REST APIs and then synchronize user identity data between this application and Oracle Identity Manager.

This connector is not shipped with any metadata as it is a connector for target system that is not known in advance. Depending on the schema of your target system, the connector artifacts are generated during connector deployment. Once the connector artifacts are created, Oracle Identity Manager communicates with your target system through the connector bundle by using various adapters and scheduled tasks.

The REST Common layer contains all the plug-ins and logic required by the connector to authenticate to the target system and parse data. Any custom implementation for authorization and data parsing can also be hooked as a plug-in in the REST Common layer.

During provisioning, adapters carry provisioning data submitted through the process form to the target system. The adapters establish a connection with the corresponding Create, Update, or Delete operations in the connector bundle which inturn establishes a connection with a target system by leveraging the REST Common layer. After the adapters establish a connection with the target system, REST calls are made to the endpoints and the required provisioning operation is performed. Subsequently, the response from the target system is returned to the adapters.

During reconciliation, a schedule task is run which calls the SearchOp operation of the connector bundle. The connector bundle establishes a connection with the target system by using the REST Common layer. Then, the connector retrieves all records that match the reconciliation criteria by calling the specific REST endpoint. This result is then passed to Oracle Identity Manager.

The Generic REST connector installation package is not shipped with any metadata or connector artifacts. It is shipped only with a set of deployment utilities that help in generating the metadata based on your target system schema. Therefore, understanding the schema of your target system is one of the important aspects in generating the connector. You must create a schema file describing the attributes of your target system to help the connector know your target system. The Generic REST connector installation package includes a Groovy file in which you can specify information about your target system. This information is used by the metadata generator to generate the connector based on the target system schema. 006ab0faaa

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