Budget 2024-2025
1000 EXPENSE Insurance $600.00
2000 EXPENSE License, Taxes, Audits $1,000.00
4000 EXPENSE Zipper Pulls $1,100.00
5000 EXPENSE Supplies $1,500.00
6000 EXPENSE Admin Fees $100.00
7000 EXPENSE Exec t shirts $200.00
8000 EXPENSE Unbudgeted $3,000.00
9000 EXPENSE Olympiad $400.00
10000 EXPENSE K Grade allocation $600.00
11000 EXPENSE 1st grade allocation $800.00
12000 EXPENSE 2nd grade allocation $1,000.00
1300 EXPENSE 3rd grade allocation $1,200.00
1400 EXPENSE 4th grade allocation $1,000.00
1500 EXPENSE 5th grade allocation $1,000.00
1600 EXPENSE 5thgrade party (Income and Expense) $5,000.00 (Only $750 from PTO)
1700 EXPENSE Westlandia $400.00
1800 EXPENSE Reading Allocation $500.00
1900 EXPENSE Music Allocation $400.00
2100 EXPENSE PE Allocation $1,000.00
2200 EXPENSE Search Allocation $300.00
2300 EXPENSE Autism Class Allocation $750.00
2400 EXPENSE Team Building Staff $800.00
2500 EXPENSE Care and Share $9,000.00
2600 EXPENSE Staff Appreciation Discretionary $3,500.00
2700 EXPENSE Custodian Appreciation $1,000.00
2800 EXPENSE Assemblies $3,000.00
2900 EXPENSE 5th grade shirts $2,600.00
3100 EXPENSE Licenses and Membership (School) $850.00
3200 EXPENSE Principal Discretionary $2,500.00
3300 EXPENSE Custodian Discretionary $150.00
3400 EXPENSE Citizenship Breakfasts $450.00
3600 EXPENSE Tech equipment $4,500.00
3700 EXPENSE New Teacher On-Boarding Swag $500.00
3800 EXPENSE Registrations and Conferences $800.00
3900 EXPENSE iXL $3,000.00
4100 EXPENSE March Maddness Book Support $1,500.00
4200 EXPENSE Agendas (3rd and 4th grade) $1,000.00
4300 EXPENSE Open House (Family and Staff) $3,000.00
4400 EXPENSE Community Clubs Support $2,000.00
4500 EXPENSE Literacy Committee $900.00
4600 EXPENSE Outdoor/Playground Improvements $15,000.00
4700 EXPENSE School Improvements $2,000.00
4800 EXPENSE Clinic Discretionary $400.00
4900 INCOME Concessions (Income and Expense) $1,500.00
5100 INCOME Spring Fling (Income and Expense) $3,500.00
5200 INCOME Donuts with Grownups (Income and Expense) $0.00
5300 INCOME Musical (Income and Exepnse) Fund carryover to support future msuical needs $10,000.00
5400 INCOME ASA (Income and Expense) $6,000.00
5500 INCOME - Box Tops $100.00
5600 INCOME - Harris tetter $1,400.00
5800 INCOME - Superhero Sprint $17,500.00
5900 INCOME - Spring (Candle) Fundraiser $1,400.00
6100 INCOME Spiritwear (Income and Expense) $1,200.00
6200 INCOME - Sponsorships $1,000.00
6300 INCOME Matching Funds (Corp) $5,000.00
6400 INCOME - Spirit Nights $2,500.00
6500 INCOME - PTO Membership $5,000.00
6600 Musical Carryover $12,000.00
6700 EXPENSE Teacher Reimbursements (for membership) $7,000.00