Pink Tongue Skinks

Yindi- Proven Female, from European stock.

Taila-female reduced pattern, purchased from Glen Jacobsen, originally from Michael Berger lines.

Monti- Adult Male, purchased from Greg Accetta-2018. Very dark overall coloring, has kept the blue/purple tongue color even as an adult.

Tau- born 4/2018, produced by and purchased from Gemma Astley (US)

Minka & Kimba (proven) both female and produced here 4/2018

Kimba- delivered 15 baby Pink Tongue Skinks 5/3/2020

Jarli- male (proven)produced here 2018. 

Jedda-male,(proven) produced by KO Exotics 2020

Inala-female (proven) produced here 2020.

Kalina- female produced here in 2020. This female will be an awesome addition to our Hypo/orange Project!

Tarka, male, produced here in 2021 from Jedda and Inala.

Miro- male (2-3 years old, from Glenn Jacobsen)

Kuparr-male produced here from Kalina & Miro, 5/2022

Lowana-female, produced here from Taila (reduced pattern) & Jarli (reduced pattern), 5/2022

Pink Tongues