USN (Blueside) Administration

The files in this folder were built by a Blueside Independent Duty Corpsman and include the operations of the medical department on a ship. Some tasks will fall to your chief and some will be yours, but this should be pretty inclusive of what you will need to know to succeed.

1. Tickler.XLS


It is your job to report the status of medical department to the CO and XO. The first page tells you what reports are needed and periodicity.

2. Admin.xls


Look here for waste log, lab log, memos, leave requests (though your ship should have their own), special request chits, etc


DITS (Division in the Spotlight)

Different divisions onboard will get to go through this periodically. The medical component for each looks at the division in the spotlight and where they stand on required medical readiness needs (PHA, dental, health screening, immunizations, audiograms…).



Dedicated to medical/dental department. You can track when your HMs are taking leave, holiday schedule, a ship hierarchy for your department (to help with roles for your team), manning spreadsheet to identify potential gaps in your billets, duty section sheet.

5. Habitability.XLS


Part of prevmed is to ensure habitability inspections occur. This will not fall on you to do the inspection, but this should let you know what goes into it.

6. HUE Safe.xls

HUE Safe

HUE was the ship this was built on; feel free to rename depending on where you are serving. This one has safety inspection and training checklists for it.


IH Checklist

Industrial health checklist to make sure your ship is ready for its operations.



Long range and short range training plans are here. Important training include your department plus you will be responsible to train the rest of ship’s crew in first aid drills for common wounds. You should plan to train frequently rather than try to bunch every department in a week to maintain proficiency. Do not try to re-invent the wheel here, you ship almost certainly has a share drive in the medical department with the needed first aid drills and packets of how it will be run where you will have only minor edits to make.


Medical Daily Report

This is one that you could use daily. Has sheet for sailors who have glasses to track readiness, track sailors who take medications and expected last month of current Rx, crew appointments and times. You can also track your own appointments here/let your HMs schedule patients with non-sick call type concerns during appointment hours you designate. Medical Journal on this is very important in this book. You will keep a daily log of sick call and medical appointments that goes to the CO at the end of the day. Again, you can be brief/somewhat limited in your discussion of conditions to ensure HIPAA is compliant as best able. It is a great tool to track when people will be off light duty, who is on LIMDU and for how much longer, who has scheduled procedures, etc. The top also has IMR/ODR/DHI -- These are very important readiness numbers you will learn quickly when you get to the ship.


Medical Logs

Logs of things that go on in the department. Accident and Injury Report (AIR) is when a sailor gets hurt, you will fill a report of the incident, which gets to the safety officer to study what the cause of the problem was.

11. SF-600.xlsx


There may be times that you cannot get online to build a sf-600 for different required physicals for the duties onboard. This has them built into a printable excel page that you can print up and circle/check mark your way through. This may need to be updated once you get to the ship/there might be an updated version when you arrive.

12. Supply.xls


These can be used to help you track medical supply needs, when they were ordered, status, things about to expire, etc.

13. Training.xlsx


These can help you track the other departments training in basic first aid (F-SOM) requirements.



Who you have manning the different battle dressing stations, who your SAR swimmers are, stretcher bearers names (note when PCS dates are as you will need to train and get replacements prior to PCS). This is primarily the chief’s job.



Navy Performance Evaluations System order