The Maryland Initiative for Literacy & Equity


Despite decades of research and resources, literacy achievement remains stagnant statewide and nationwide. This state of literacy predominantly affects marginalized groups and narrowly focuses efforts on early education. MILE understands that illiteracy has severe economic, medical, social, and political consequences for individuals and society. Literacy begins in homes and communities and continues across one's lifespan. By failing to address all aspects of illiteracy, we further disenfranchise our most vulnerable populations, denying them full and equitable participation in society. Solutions to this grand challenge require complex, multi-level approaches that involve many traditional disciplines and merge epistemological approaches and fields of practice.

To address equity in literacy with innovative translational research, faculty spanning eight units in five colleges and two universities have established the Maryland Initiative for Literacy & Equity (MILE), forming a one-of-a-kind institute. MILE will harness research-practice partnerships in education, speech and language pathology, library science, community and stakeholder outreach, and policy. Research will focus on addressing systemic obstacles to literacy, moving beyond current siloed approaches. This work will span from brain and behavioral research to knowledge-building and professional training for educators, clinicians, librarians, families, communities, and policymakers. 

News & Events Spotlight

June 1st, 2024 | University of Maryland Campus

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Grand Challenges Grants Program

The Grand Challenges Grants Program supports projects that address prominent societal issues including climate change, social injustice, global health, and educational disparities.

Click here to learn more about the Grand Challenges Program at the University of Maryland.

The Maryland Initiative for Literacy & Equity (MILE) is supported by the University of Maryland Grand Challenges Grants Program.

"Reading instruction is the epicenter of equity. This is where 'inequity by design' is dismantled."

Zaretta Hammond, Author of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain