Program Details: Information Regarding Session Talks, Discussions, Panels, Etc. 

Breakfast and Registration: 8:00 - 8:30


Opening Remarks With MILE: 8:30 - 9:00


Keynote with Mayra Canizales Cruz: 9:00 - 9:35


Keynote: Linguistic liberation es un derecho

Session 1: 9:45 - 10:30

Assessing Bilingual Reading: Understanding (Valid) Uses of CBM-R Assessments in Dual Language Programs with Dr. Alejandro Pérez Belda

Participants will walk away from this session with strategies to question, identify, and understand valid and fair formative uses of Curriculum-Based Measures of Reading (CBM-R) with bilingual learners of English and Spanish. We will discuss the reading process in Spanish to assure and/or question validity with the construct underlying CBM-R instruments. We will underscore the importance of 1) District/School/Program leaders (well) informed decisions to identify meaningful and valid assessment data uses appropriate to the languages and goals of their bilingual program(s); and 2) Teachers ongoing professional development to engage with instructional and assessment practices.

Room 2124


Empowering Novice Bilingual Educators: Strategies for DLBE Classrooms with Cody Norton

Join this session to discover effective strategies tailored for novice teachers in dual language bilingual education, with an emphasis on the English language component of instruction. Drawing from over a decade of teaching experience, including nine years in a dual language school, I will share practical insights and approaches to enhance teaching proficiency within this program model. Whether you're seeking to refine your instructional methods, optimize language acquisition, or cultivate a supportive classroom environment, this presentation equips you with actionable tools and best practices to excel in dual language education.

Room 2123


TALLER: Juego y diálogo en la enseñanza de matemática con Jaime Solano Cardoso y Angeles Itzel Reza 

Durante esta sesión, los participantes aprenden cómo integrar el juego y el diálogo matemático en la enseñanza de conceptos matemáticos. Los participantes verán cómo el juego y el diálogo entre estudiantes fortalece el aprendizaje matemático en escuelas bilingües, al mismo tiempo creaán sus propias estrategias para implementar en sus clases. Durante este taller tienes que estar preparado para divertirte y aprender.

Room 2114
9:45-11:20 (90 min session)



Translanguage-ando una unidad de 1er grado con Flor Rivas y Mariana Sanchez

Participants will walk away from this session with deeper knowledge about translanguaging and its practical uses in a first grade unit plan. Through the exploration of this unit, we will leverage students and communities linguistic assets that align with the goals of DLBE. Bilingual translanguaging resources will be provided for K-2 teachers and school program leaders. Los participantes saldrán de esta sesión con un mejor entendimiento del translenguaje y el uso práctico a través de una unidad de primer grado. Durante la exploración de la unidad alzaremos los conocimientos lingüísticos de los estudiantes y la comunidad que se alinean con los pilares de DLBE. Proveeremos recursos bilingües del translenguaje para líderes de escuela y maestros de K-2.

Room 2118



Panel: Starting New Programs with Larissa Avellaneda, Autumn Hoffman, Julia Walsh, and Jane Tarwacki. Facilitated by Melinda Martin-Beltran

This panel session will feature the voices of representatives from several districts in Maryland that will speak about their experiences starting dual language programs including useful information and lessons learned. Each panelist will answer prepared questions and there will be time for an audience Q&A. 

Room 1102


Leaders & District Personnel

Growing Our Knowledge of Literacies: Varied Languages, Writing Systems, & Strategies to Ease Reading in English for DLLs with Dr. Anita Pandey 

This session will focus on language fundamentals for reading and literacy success in ECE and beyond. The importance of growing and mining students' concept knowledge and not merely their vocabulary; and of knowing how language is both structured and acquired to effectively select age-appropriate books and to plan content and language goals around (individual) language building blocks in lesson plans will be illustrated. The passive voice, for instance, is usually acquired around age 10 or 11, yet many books and exams intended for third graders employ this relatively complex syntactic structure. This might account for why so many students are confounded (pun intended). This session will also showcase noteworthy differences in scripts employed for reading in different languages and the value of contrastive analysis and translanguaging (as effective instructional praxis) to engage students and families with varied language backgrounds.




Session 2: 10:35 - 11:20

Not Just in June: LGBTQIA+ Representation in the Dual Language Classroom with Serena Keeney-Horsch and Deirdre Beet

During this presentation, participants examine diverse experiences and perspectives through reflective discussions in English and Spanish about how to incorporate LGBTQIA+ representation into their P-12 dual language classrooms and family engagement activities. There are multiple opportunities to create a plan of action by planning strategic lessons, exploring equitable resources and best practices, and engaging in conversation around developing students’ language skills. Participants are empowered to create change within their classrooms and schools. With a critical consciousness lens, participants reflect, plan, and advocate for LGBTQIA+ representation in their classrooms and beyond with the tools gained during this session.

Room 2124



Metalanguage: A Road-Map to Develop Crosslinguistic Lessons That Advance Biliteracy with Vanessa Chacon, Ph.D. and Patricia Seidler 

Cross-linguistic metalanguage is an essential biliteracy component to support bilingual students in becoming strategic readers. In this presentation, we will provide a theoretical foundation of how English and Spanish compare and the importance of explicitly teaching these differences/similarities in order to increase students’ metalanguage. We will demonstrate a Bridge lesson based on the systems of reading (semantics, pragmatics, syntactic, and grapho-phonics including lexicon with cognates). In addition, participants will be able to plan a Bridge/ crosslinguistic lesson using the step by step approach and the many different resources we will provide.

Room 2123



TALLER: Juego y diálogo en la enseñanza de matemáticas con Jaime Solano Cardoso y Angeles Itzel Reza

Durante esta sesión, los participantes aprenden cómo integrar el juego y el diálogo matemático en la enseñanza de conceptos matemáticos. Los participantes verán cómo el juego y el diálogo entre estudiantes fortalece el aprendizaje matemático en escuelas bilingües, al mismo tiempo creaán sus propias estrategias para implementar en sus clases. Durante este taller tienes que estar preparado para divertirte y aprender.

Room 2114



Bilingüe is Best: Lessons Learned While Developing a Bilingual Foundational Literacy Curriculum with Jaclyn Pilette and Beth Carmichael

This session will provide an overview of lessons learned while developing a bilingual foundational literacy curriculum at our school. It will discuss the problems we were seeing, the switches that we made to our curriculum, the results we are currently seeing and possible next steps. Our goal is to share our experience (successes and challenges) as well as some resources that we have created to those experiencing similar challenges that we have faced. Participants will walk away from this session with ideas of how to set up biliterate foundational literacy interventions, shifts that can be made in both the SLA and the ELA classrooms to support all students in their bilingual foundational journey, and some resources that they can implement immediately.

Room 2118



Estrategias para fomentar el desarrollo del habla y participación del educando con Euclides Rengifo Cordoba 

En esta presentación, exploraremos diversas estrategias diseñadas para estimular el desarrollo del habla y fomentar una participación activa por parte de los educandos. Desde técnicas interactivas hasta métodos de motivación, abordaremos cómo crear un ambiente propicio para que los estudiantes se expresen con confianza y se involucren en el proceso de aprendizaje. Además, examinaremos cómo estas estrategias pueden adaptarse a diferentes entornos educativos y grupos de edad. Al finalizar esta presentación, los participantes habrán adquirido un conjunto de herramientas prácticas y técnicas probadas para promover el desarrollo del habla y la participación en el aula. Saldrán equipados con el conocimiento necesario para cultivar un ambiente de aprendizaje inclusivo y dinámico, donde cada voz sea valorada y cada estudiante tenga la oportunidad de florecer.

Room 1102



IMV Fellowship: Federal Funding for Bilingual Educators Enhancing Student Academic Language Development with Jennifer Kouakeu and Berenice Pernalete 

Join us as we introduce The Fellowship, a federally funded program by the Department of Education, created by Instituto Mundo Verde in collaboration with DLENM. This tailored learning solution is designed to meet the unique needs of bilingual educators nationwide, providing practical tools and strategies for academic language development through content instruction. Ideal for lead teachers, teaching assistants, paraprofessionals, and anyone working directly with multilingual students. Participants will learn how our flagship program incorporates research on impactful teacher training, while aligning with the goals of effective DLE programming, offering actionable insights and resources for enhancing bilingual education.



School Programs

Session 3: 11:25 - 12:10

Las novelas gráficas, más allá del dibujo with Jenny Delgado

Esta presentación es una exposición sobre el uso de las novelas gráficas para vincular los estándares de estudios sociales y el desarrollo del lenguaje. Los participantes saldrán de esta sesión con ideas sobre cómo integrar el desarrollo del lenguaje en el pensamiento crítico. El material utilizado proviene de la conquista de las antiguas culturas de América, mediante actividades que, además de ser entretenidas, captan la atención de los estudiantes mientras leen, analizan y escriben novelas gráficas. Al final de la sesión, los maestros tendrán las herramientas necesarias para llevar a cabo un proyecto de escritura narrativa utilizando novelas gráficas respaldadas por la tecnología.

Room 2124



Transformational Coaching in Bilingual Schools: Elementos centrales y herramientas / Key Elements and Tools with Sandra Gutiérrez

Instructional coaching can be a powerful way to improve teaching and learning, yet there is limited research and practitioner guidance on how to effectively coach Dual Language Bilingual Education (DLBE) teachers. In this session, I will share key elements of Transformational DLBE Coaching based on current research and my 15+ years experience coaching teachers of Multilingual/Bilingual students. Participants will consider what DLBE pedagogical frameworks could guide their coaching, practice observing a lesson with a focus on bilingualism/biliteracy, and become familiar with the COCINAR Juntos coaching debrief protocol to support bilingual educators’ reflection and learning of DLBE critifcal ideologies and pedagogical practices. Esta sesión será 80% en inglés y 20% en español ya que los videos que voy a usar están en inglés. Todos los materiales serán proveídos en los dos idiomas.

Room 2123


School Program

Estrategias de dominios de aula usando técnicas de conciencia fonológica / Classroom Management Strategies Using Phonological Awareness Techniques with Carolina Saenz-Acosta

Los maestros novatos en un ambiente dual necesitan en su portafolio de técnicas de control de aula toda la ayuda necesaria. Yo he mezclado diferentes estrategias y técnica junto con las estrategias de fundamentos del lenguaje y conciencia fonológica, para que los estudiantes sin darse cuenta y sin sentir que están recibiendo una lección están inconscientemente practicando cada uno de los idiomas. My adapted strategies have TPR, music, movement and are very fun. 

Room 2114



Cultivating Critical Consciousness for Teachers of Dual Language Learners with Génesis Aguilar Chavez 

In this workshop participants will examine the R.I.C.A. Framework, which guides educators through exercises involving Personal Reflection, Ideological Clarity, Critical Consciousness, and Advocacy. The skills developed will allow dual language teachers to assess and act against hegemonic, monoglossic, and raciolinguistic ideologies in their districts, schools, and classrooms. This workshop is designed for teachers who want to build a culturally and linguistically rich learning environment for dual language learners.

Room 2118



El Puente: Promoción de la conciencia bilingüe en estudiantes de escuela elemental con Monserrat Gil, Catalina Torres, y Jasmin Guerrero

La presentación busca mostrar la experiencia de la escuela elemental Bancroft en la implementación de El Puente. Como estrategia en la enseñanza bilingüe, El Puente permite a los estudiantes descubrir las relaciones que existen entre el inglés y el español. Así, la estrategia favorece la transferencia de conocimientos académicos aprendidos en un idioma hacia el otro, a través de actividades intencionalmente planeadas. Al final de la presentación, los asistentes conocerán los elementos fundamentales para implementar El Puente en el aula de clase y los beneficios para la enseñanza dual. 

Room 1102



Student-Led Collaborative Learning with Denia Nassar

This is a session that focuses on showing how students in a 3rd grade DL classroom work as leaders among their peers. In student-led small groups of 4's or 5's, they "lead instruction" during Math rotations to engage their peers in participation and learning, while they all produce authentic discourse.




Lunch & Raffle: 12:15 - 1:15

Room 2124

Session 4: 1:20 - 2:05

Language Development for ALL! Sensory, Interactive and Graphic supports in Dual Language Classrooms with Susan Levy and Tessa Arevalo

Participants will walk away from this session with tangible examples of how to frame their lessons using various sensory, interactive, and graphic supports. We will explore the use of co-created anchor charts and wall space as "the most valuable real estate in the classroom". We will also explore the use of chants, poetry and songs to increase comprehensible input and oral production of the target language. Finally, we will discuss total physical response as a strategy to internalize language and content. Participants attending our session will be able to stack these strategies to maximize language and content in their classrooms.

Room 2124



High-Quality Bi-literacy Strategies for Early-Ed Learners with Yesenia Padilla and Liza Sanchez

Se presentarán estrategias efectivas para maestros que ayuden a mantener y mejorar las destrezas orales y de escritura de los estudiantes de edad temprana. 

Room 2123



Centros de alfabetizacion bilingüe: La importancia del desarrollo de las 4 habilidades lingüísticas a través de centros independientes / Bilingual Literacy Centers: The Importance of Developing the Four Language Skills Through Independent Centers with Noelia Gomez Alvarez

En esta presentación se abordará la relevancia del desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades lingüísticas a través de centros independientes. Se proporcionarán ejemplos específicos de cómo trabajarlas en el aula de manera nivelada y siguiendo el contenido curricular. Al finalizar la presentación, los asistentes podrán llevarse materiales específicos para usar en el aula desde el minuto uno y estrategias para poder adaptar en sus aulas. This presentation will address the relevance of developing the four language skills through independent centers in English and Spanish. Specific examples of how to work on them in the classroom in a leveled manner and following the curricular content will be provided. At the end of the presentation, attendees will be able to take away specific materials to use in the classroom from minute one and strategies to adapt in their classrooms from 3r-5th grade. 

Room 2114



Introducción del Uso de de Project by Learning como herramienta de trabajo en nuestro salón de clases bilingüe con Nancy Cintrón y Joyce Walderrama 

En esta sección se pretende presentar los componentes clave para elaborar dentro del salón de clases Proyectos de aprendizaje (PBL) y la manera de cómo poder usar tareas centradas en una destreza y en varias motivando así a los estudiantes y hacerlos participantes activos en su proceso de aprendizaje.Estaremos trabajando la sección en tres partes, un poco de la teoría que aprendizaje, modelos aplicados y algunos ejemplos que podemos hacer en nuestros salones. Nuestra intención será que los presentes puedan conocer la teoría detrás de la herramienta de trabajo, los beneficios de ella y algunos ejemplos de aplicación.

Room 2118


ECE-5, School & Program Leaders

School Leader Panel with Jessica Morales, Rosa Berrocal, and Elizabeth Perfaure

This bilingual panel session will feature the voices of school leaders from dual language bilingual education (DLBE) programs in the DMV. Leaders will share their perspectives and lessons learned on topics such as supporting the three Pillars of DLBE, language policy making, advocacy, and teacher learning. Each panelist will answer prepared questions and there will be time for an audience Q&A.

Room 1102



Translinguistic Connections: A Closer Look at Phonology and Phonetics with Dr. Antonio Fierro

Description TBA




Session 5: 2:10 - 2:55

Collaborative Conversations

How can we support bilingual DLBE teacher professional learning in a context that is focused on English-only PD (both a critical issue and problem of practice)?


Table A

How do we work together to retain, sustain and support work-life balance for bilingual teachers?


Table B

How do we work together to retain, sustain and support work-life balance for bilingual teachers?


Table B

How can school leaders (DLBE coordinators, admin, instructional leads, coaches) work with district leaders to advocate for and support DLBE programs?


How to ensure families buy in and are engaged in planning, developing and sustaining DLBE programs? Particularly how do we engage minoritized/marginalized families?


How do we incorporate the language/literacy practices, histories, and funds of knowledge of minoritized students? (African-Americans, speakers of indigenous languages, LGBTQIA+, non-standard varieties, etc.)


How do we support students with special education needs in DLBE programs?


How do we effectively assess and design/implement interventions in DLBE programs?


How do we find and secure authentic and engaging resources for DLBE programs, particularly in the partner language?


How do we ensure we are meeting the third goal (socio-cultural competence) in our DLBE programs, considering the diverse backgrounds of our students and educators?

Atrium A

How do we teach for biliteracy, particularly focusing on the balance between languages and making connections across languages?

Atrium B

Debrief, Closing Circle, & Raffle: 3:00 - 3:30
