Reaching People. Building Lives. 


Pastor Jeff Little dreamed of planting a church with one simple goal: help people begin a relationship with Jesus and see their lives built on the foundation of the Bible. The vision was to develop a church that was life-giving, spirit-filled, and would embody the mission of reaching people and building lives.


With the help of a committed group of families, that vision became a reality as a team of 32 people gathered in the ballroom of a Holiday Inn in August of 2002. As the initial group grew, we began meeting at Indian Springs Middle School in Keller and formally launched Milestone Church in October of 2002. The life-transforming message of the Gospel, passionate worship, and a commitment to pursuing authentic relationships brought continuous growth and decisions for Christ in our first two years as a church.


In Joshua 24, the Bible tells the story of God’s people coming to a defining moment. Joshua gathered the people to remind them of God’s faithfulness and for them to remain faithful. He set out a large stone to be a witness for all to see for generations to come. Then Joshua dismissed the people, each to their own inheritance. This story is where the name “Milestone Church” comes from. It has been the vision of Milestone Church McKinney TX Campus to keep reaching people and building lives so that not just a select few, but everyone can discover their God-given inheritance. 


After two and a half years of being a portable church in a school cafeteria, we leased our first permanent facility off of Willis Lane in Keller. From parking to classroom space, we quickly outgrew this building and God provided a solution in a converted storefront with a location in the heart of Keller!


The purchase of our facility on Keller Parkway invited massive growth as we made more space to care for our community. From 2009-2013, Milestone became home to over 3,000 people attending weekend services. Then, in June of 2013, another exciting step was ahead for our church family. Our first satellite campus launched in McKinney, TX, and Milestone became one church in two locations. From 2013 to 2016, we continued to grow to over 4,000 people and we knew it was time for another transition. OUR KELLER CAMPUS

In April of 2017, we opened the doors to our brand new campus at 201 Mount Gilead. Since that time, we've seen God use Milestone to reach more people and build more lives as we've grown to over 5,000 in weekend attendance.


We launched our Haslet Campus in 2021 to reach this growing area of North Texas. The campus currently meets in Leo Adams Middle School and has purchased land on 156 for a future building and campus.  

Be Our Guest

Through every season of change and expansion, the vision of Milestone has stayed intact. We are more enthusiastic about reaching people than ever before, and there's a place for you and your family!  



We live in a broken, self-centered world. Living for others and caring about people doesn't just happen. You have to be intentional about it. This posture isn't natural for us, but it is for God. He's intimately involved not only with the details of what's happening in our lives, but our thoughts, our passions, our fears, and our dreams. Scripture makes this clear, nothing in all of Creation is as important to God as we are. More than anything else, He loves people, and He made it clear that anyone who genuinely loved God would demonstrate this by loving people the same way He does.


In a culture of disposable relationships, finding an environment where people are valued and relationships are prioritized is a unique experience. This will always be central to who we are. Whenever God wants to do something significant, He always starts with a family. It's the primary way that He distributes His blessing. This is how you've been designed to live. At the end of your life, when you look back at what really matters, it won't be experiences, it won't be accomplishments, and it won't be your estate that you'll care about. It will be people.


God has given us each gifts that we can use to further His kingdom, but it's really easy to build your whole life around your gifts rather than around character. Your gifts and abilities will open the door of opportunity for you, but only godly character will keep you there. If you never develop your character and only lean on your gifts, sooner or later your life will become a mess. You’re more important than your gift. When we fail to realize this we think God loves us when we perform and He withdraws when we mess up. This isn't an accurate picture of His heart for you.


In Acts 2:42-47 we see a picture of the very first church. The Bible says that everyone felt a sense of awe, signs and wonders were taking place, there was favor with all the people, and God was adding to their numbers everyday. We have no problem looking at the early church and seeing that it was the hope of the world and through the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit thousands of lives were changed; families were changed; cities were changed. This is what we want to see happen at Milestone! Our hope is that people live missional and sacrificial lives, that salvation happens and God moves in powerful ways.


God's not building an organization, a movement, a company, a religion or a philosophy. First and foremost, He's building a family. Let there be no doubt, we are called to serve Him. But we're more than servants, we've been given the unimaginable privilege of being adopted into the family of God as sons and daughters. When you see yourself as sons and daughters of God instead of just servants, it changes everything. There's a big difference between a servant's mentality and a son's mentality. Sons and daughters think differently because they are heirs. They have a vested interest in what happens. This concept is the whole reason why we named the church Milestone. It's much more than just something to do on the weekends. We're sons and daughters of God and He's entrusted us with this house.


The Bible makes it clear: everything we have is a gift. We're not owners, we're stewards. We believe Jesus was telling the truth when He said it was more blessed to give than receive. God doesn't ask us to be generous because He needs our money. Generosity doesn't just meet needs for the one receiving, it always transforms the one who gives. God doesn't ask us to be generous because He needs what we have. He doesn't want something FROM us, He's after something FOR us. We're never more like Jesus than when we're generous, it's fundamental to who God is.


God's presence is what we were created for, and when we experience His manifest presence we know that it's what we've been longing for all along. God fills your heart and your soul, and completes spiritually what you've been lacking. You feel and sense that you've arrived home when you're in His presence. It's about an interaction, a relationship with a living God who is dynamic and personal and on the move. God has a personality just like we do, with desires, plans, emotions, and thoughts. God says He is a rewarder of those who seek Him. He's waiting with open arms. He has made Himself available to us through Jesus Christ. And make no mistake about it: the greatest need for our soul is God's presence in our lives.


Jesus Christ came to earth in human flesh and lived among us. He was here, teaching people, healing people, showing people the true way to find peace, eternal life, joy, and salvation. Jesus wasn't just a great teacher and he wasn't just a great example to us, although He was all those things. More importantly, He was the Son of God, our Savior, and He died so we could have eternal life. We are utterly and completely dependent on the grace of God. It's not about climbing up to God. We can't. It's about accepting the free gift from Jesus where He takes our place, died for our sins, and gives us His righteousness.


I was raised in Northeast Texas by wonderful parents who modeled, mentored, and forged a strong faith and character that is the foundation of my life today. After completing high school, I attended Baylor University and graduated in 1996 with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion. I completed my master's degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2006 and am currently a doctoral student at Southeastern University.

During my senior year at Baylor, God gave me the greatest blessing of my life, Brandy, my wonderful wife. We now have four children, Hannah, Caleb, Lauren, and Laney Kate. Brandy and I are deeply committed to building a strong marriage and a caring, loving home.

After pastoring several established congregations, God began to stir my heart with the dream of planting a life-giving, spirit-filled, community church, but I was not sure WHERE! Through much prayer and consultation, the Lord spoke to me clearly that I was to go to Keller, TX to start a church.

Milestone Church was birthed on October 14, 2002, with 32 dedicated people. Today, Milestone Church Haslet, TX Campus is ministering to thousands of people in our weekend services, and God has built a spiritual family that is truly a blessing to the local community and beyond.

As a church family, we have marked many of life's most important moments together, ensuring that our future will be purposeful and prosperous. It is my greatest desire to see that people are pastored, empowered and released into the dream God has for their lives.


It's also a joy to have my wife, Brandy, serving alongside me and leading a life-giving ministry to women. Milestone Women hosts two large events annually and several outreaches throughout the year to serve our community.

I want to personally invite you and your family to join us this weekend for one of our worship services. I believe Milestone Church is a place you can call home.

Jeff Little

Lead Pastor


Our Growth Track is a great first step to connect with the people and mission of Student Ministry. This simple, convenient process will help you grow in your faith, learn about the values of the church, and make friends with others who are new to our environment. 

Discovery 101

Come join Pastor Jeff for a casual lunch at Discovery 101 and hear the vision and story of Milestone Church. You’ll get to meet Pastor Jeff, our pastoral team, and many others who are relatively new just like you! This one-and-a-half hour class outlines membership and presents an opportunity to join, but is not required to attend. Childcare is provided.

Serve Team 201

The Milestone Serve Team is the collective name we give to our amazing volunteers and leaders who serve at any capacity in our church home and community. Come discover your unique gifts over lunch at Serve Team 201 with a fun personal assessment, and let us help you find a place to connect and serve on the Serve Team. Childcare is provided.

Values 301

Make friends, meet our pastors, and grow spiritually in one of our most engaging environments - Values 301. We've designed this 7-week class with an intentional desire to help you learn more about the core values of Christian living and develop meaningful relationships through a small group experience. 

Childcare is provided, so your kids will have fun, too .


God doesn’t intend for us to live life alone. He wants us to be part of spiritual family because this is one way that we experience His love. Check out Pat and Bonnie’s story to see how going through Values 301 helped them find their spiritual family.

“We joined Milestone Church in 2011 after moving here from Memphis, Tennessee. Despite being active in the church, we didn’t find spiritual family for years after joining because we didn’t know we needed it. The real change began when my wife, Bonnie, convinced me to join a Freedom group.

I was resistant for the first half of Freedom—I didn’t feel like I fit in the group. But then God got a hold of me and told me that the group wasn’t the problem—I was. He told me I wasn’t putting my everything into the group.

When I heard that, it was like someone had flipped a switch in me. I was changed, and Bonnie and I joined Values 301 after completing Freedom.

Our Values 301 group ended up being very different than what we had expected.

We’d been expecting to be moved into a 301 group our friends were leading, but for whatever reason, we were placed in a group of people who all came from very different backgrounds than us. Our group included new believers, former Muslims, long-time believers, a former atheist, and a former Mennonite. It was right where we needed to be. We developed deep friendships through our 301 group.  

Milestone Resources – Christian Bookstore - A growth and development guide for men, this new resource aims to develop men in the areas that matter most.


Each year, we send volunteers out to meet the needs in our community. Although Serve Day may have looked a little different this year, it was still just as impactful. But, serving others isn’t something that is limited to one day a year. It’s something that Christians are called to live out daily. 

Lou Ann decided that instead of participating just on Serve Day she would serve for an entire week. Take a look at her story. 

“Being a senior here at Evergreen of Keller myself, I know how lonely it can get. I know how much my neighbors and I truly appreciate things like cards, letters, phone calls, or someone spending time with them. So, I chose purposeful acts of kindness as my project. It was the perfect fit because I had time to be in touch with several people during the week and I know how much it means when someone goes out of their way to serve you. 

Purposeful acts of kindness allowed me to spend more time with people on the phone, write letters, and drop by to see folks and bring them baked goods and gift cards. I wrote to people on our Bible study’s prayer list, tucked gift cards inside the letters, made visits to several of my neighbors who cannot get out for various health reasons, and took them milk shakes, bread pudding, flowers, phone cards, or paper goods and toiletries.

Just having the extra time during the week to spend with people and pray with them and hear their stories was a blessing for me. It was my pleasure and honor to serve my Lord and Milestone this week and to pray for our church family.”

—Lou Ann 

Lou Ann went above and beyond to meet the needs she saw in the community. This is what spiritual family does—it goes the extra mile to love and serve people. Thank you to Lou Ann and all of our Serve Day volunteers. We can’t all do everything but, we can all do something and you are making a difference!


Milestone Church

201 Mount Gilead Road, Keller, TX 76248

(817) 812-3600


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Milestone Church | 201 Mount Gilead Road, Keller, TX 76248 | Website:

New to Milestone Church? That's great! We know it can be difficult trying a new place out for Christmas. We'd like to do everything we can to get you the answers you're looking for. A great place to start to is to visit our plan your visit page. You'll find helpful information about parking, what Milestone Kids has to offer, as well as what our services are normally like.

We have many opportunities this Christmas holiday for you and your family to serve! To sign up, click on the button below and complete the form. We look forward to serving with you this Christmas!

Do I need to register?

You do not need to register for our Christmas Candlelight Celebration services. The Easter service near me is completely free.

Are all the services the same?

Yes, all of the Christmas Eve Candlelight services will feature the same great music, worship, message, and more.

Is Milestone Kids available?

Yes, Kids Ministry will be available for Birth-4th grade during all of our Christmas Candlelight Celebration Services.

Youth Ministry Near Me

Youth ministry, also commonly referred to as youth group, is an age-specific religious ministry of faith groups or other religious organizations, usually from ages 12 to 30, whose mission is to involve and engage with young people who attend their places of worship, or who live in their community. 

Marriage Ministry Mear Me

Many couples live day to day, paycheck to paycheck, emotion to emotion, never pausing long enough to think about what they want

for their marriages. Proverbs 29:18a says, “Where there is no vision, the people are unrestrained…”Too many people today are living unrestrained, with no boundaries when it comes to their finances, their moral values and their goals for the future. Creating a written vision for your marriage. 

Young Adult Ministry Near Me

Young Adult Ministry is a gathering of young adults that meets weekly to be an intentional community as we work through what it means to follow Jesus at school, at work, and with our families & friends. 

Preschool Ministry Near Me

Our Children and Youth Ministries have come up with some innovative ways not only to stay in touch but also to love, encourage, reach and teach our kids and youth during these challenging days. 

Mission Trips Near Me

Mission Discovery trips aim to help developing communities around the world. Teams of volunteers build homes for families in need, love on orphans and feed 

Single Moms Ministry

The Life of a Single Mom Ministries is elated to be part of that journey. We receive tons of questions about how to minister to the needs of single parents in a more effective, creative, long-term way. We believe one of those ways is through a single moms support group. It provides long-term discipleship, beyond simply an outreach, event, or meal. 

Non-denominational Church Near Me

A non-denominational Christian church is one that isn't associated with a traditional denomination. Non-denominational churches tend to be Protestant, conservative, and evangelical. They believe in the Trinity, the inspiration of Scripture, and the deity of Christ. 

Elevate Milestone Church

Elevate is our weekly student gathering for high school and junior high students complete with worship, a relevant message and a time to connect with other students.

Milestone Church Elevate

Elevate exists to provide an environment where students can encounter God, connect with others, and align their lives with His mission! We are committed to providing an atmosphere that embraces young people in a totally unreligious, yet uncompromising way. Our heart is to see students meet Jesus, grow in their faith, and influence the culture and community around them. 

What Denomination Is Milestone Church

A Christian denomination is a distinct religious body within Christianity, identified by traits such as a name and  organization.

Milestone Church Where Is Milestone Church
Milestone Church Youth Ministry Near Me
Milestone Church Single Moms Ministry
Milestone Church Preschool Ministry Near Me
Milestone Church Young Adult Ministry Near Me
Milestone Church Singles Ministry Near Me

Prayer changes everything, but sometimes we can find ourselves unsure of what to pray for or even how to do it. When we find ourselves in those moments, it’s crucial to have people surrounding us who can pray with us and for us. Check out Sonia’s story of how spiritual family helped her believe for a seemingly impossible situation. 

“When I was at Milestone, I would hear people say join a small group and get plugged in. They would say things like ‘spiritual family changes everything, but I had no idea how true that would be in my own life.

In February of 2020, I came home and my husband was gone. He had taken all his belongings and changed his phone number. Our marriage had been struggling for a while, but I never thought something like this would happen. We had no communication for six months. I had never felt more alone. I was isolated and too embarrassed to tell anyone what was going on.

I got to a place where I just knew I couldn’t do it alone. So, I decided to step out and join a small group. I was still too embarrassed to open up or share with anyone. I felt an overwhelming amount of shame. That day, however, I decided to join a small group, and it changed my life. The support that I felt from my spiritual family was something that I never knew was possible. 

My Milestone Small Group encouraged me to pray for my husband and believe God for reconciliation. They had faith for my situation when I didn’t have enough for myself. I don’t think I would have been able to pray and fight for my husband without them. So, naturally they were the first people I told when my husband reached back out to me for the first time. 

After six months of no contact and a lot of prayer, I received a text from my husband. He said that he had an encounter with God and wanted to reconcile our relationship! I was so overwhelmed and thankful. 

The healing process wasn’t easy, but walking through it with our spiritual family was everything. Now, I’m happy to say that we are in a much better place, and I am six months pregnant with our first child! It’s just crazy to see the power of spiritual family and prayer. 

It wasn’t easy to jump into a small group and share with them all my brokenness.. But, I’m so thankful that I decided to jump in, because I honestly don’t know where I would be without them.

Spiritual family isn’t always easy, but it’s always worth it!” 

Maybe, like Sonia, you feel hesitant to get plugged into a small group. It can feel vulnerable, frightening, and uncomfortable. But, it could also be the best decision you have ever made. Our team would love to help serve you in any way we can to get you connected to a small group. It’s never too late. Just shoot a quick email saying you’re interested to, and our team will get you plugged in.

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