

※2010.12.02 – Stratford – Tracked – mp3 (98.1M)

Cast: Kerry Ingram (Matilda), Robert Madge (Reginald), Michael Rouse (Doctor), Josie Walker (Mrs. Wormwood), Paul Kaye (Mr. Wormwood), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs. Phelps), Matthew Malthouse (Escapologist), Emily Shaw (Acrobat), Lauren Ward (Ms. Honey), Bertie Carvel (Miss. Trunchbull), Matthew Malthouse (Rudolpho), Verity Bentham (Cook), Marc Antolin (Henchman), Nick Searle (Henchman), Emily-Jane Boyle (Swing), Michael Kent (Swing)


※2010.12.15 – Stratford – Tracked – mp3 (183M)

Cast: Adrianna Bertola (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Paul Kaye (Mr Wormwood), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Matthew Malthouse (u/s Rudolpho), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Matthew Malthouse (The Escapologist), Emily Shaw (The Acrobat), Michael Rouse (Doctor), Verity Bentham (Cook), Robert Madge (Reginald)

*Nigel actually faints in the narcolepsy scene. Bertie improvises and makes up extra dialogue.


※2011.01.30 – Stratford – Untracked – mp4 (158M)

Cast: Adrianna Bertola (Matilda), Kuan Frye (Bruce), Ruby Bridle (Lavender), Katie Lee (Amanda), Arthur Byrne (Nigel), Jack Christou (Eric), Annabel Parsons (Alice), Shyanne Sanders (Hortensia), Thomas McGarrity (Reginald), Callum Henderson (Tommy)

*Adrianna last performance and last production in Stratford.


※2011.01.11 – Stratford – Tracked – m4a (142M)

Cast: Josie Griffiths (Matilda), Bertie Carvel (Miss Trunchbull), Jake Bailey (Bruce), Rebecca Stoll (Lavender), Jadie-Rose Hobson (Amanda), Adam Scotland (Nigel), Toby Murray (Eric), Ellie Simons (Alice), Jessica Adair (Hortensia), Elliot Allinson (Reginald), Denzil Sampson (Tommy)


※2012.04.01 – London – Tracked – mp3 (159M)

Cast: Kerry Ingram (Matilda), Alastair Parker (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Lauren Ward (Miss Honey), Paul Kaye (Mr Wormwood), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Melanie la Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Zachary Harris (Bruce), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Matthew Malthouse (u/s Rudolpho), Marc Antolin (u/s Escapologist)

*Recorded by Anette


※2012.08.19 – London – Untracked – mp3 (127M)

Cast: Eleanor Worthington Cox (Matilda), Alastair Parker (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Steve Furst (Mr Wormwood), Josie Walker (Mrs Wormwood), Peter Howe (Michael Wormwood), Melanie La Barrie (Mrs Phelps), Matthew Malthouse (The Escapologist), Emily Shaw (The Acrobat), Tim Walton (u/s Sergei), Gary Watson (Rudolpho), Verity Bentham (Cook), Marc Antolin (Henchman), Nick Searle (Henchman), Lucy Thatcher (Henchman), Miles Paloma (Bruce), Robyn Ashwood (Lavender), Alfie Manser (Nigel), Lucy May Pollard (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Mia Jenkins (Alice), Ella Wortley (Hortensia), Jordan Anderton (Tommy)

*Final performance for Eleanor Worthington-Cox, Josie Walker, Peter Howe, Emily Shaw, Tim Walton, Gary Watson and Lucy Thatcher and most of the child cast.

*[Limited Trades - 2:1]


※2012.08.31 – London – Tracked – m4a (159M)

Cast: Isobelle Molloy (Matilda), Joseph Holgate (Bruce), Ella Ward (Lavender), Joshua Tikare (Nigel), Brooke Kelly (Amanda), Finley Jury (Eric), Cally Callaghan (Alice), Amy Charlton (Hortensia), James Gardner (Tommy), Steve Furst (Mr Wormwood), Annette McLaughlin (Mrs Wormwood), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Verity Bentham (u/s Mrs Phelps), David Leonard (Miss Trunchbull), Joshua Lay (u/s) (Rudolpho), Mark Goldthorp (Doctor/ Escapologist), Lucy Miller (The Acrobat)


※2013.09.12 – London – Tracked – m4a (256M)

Cast: Elise Blake (Matilda), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Ben Middleton (Bruce), Evie Sneath (Lavender), Gabriel Werb (Nigel), Ellie Botteril (Amanda), Ashton Henry-Reid (Eric), Tallulah Treadaway (Alice), Katie Lee (Hortensia), Kalifa Burton (Tommy)


※2014.06.08 – Broadway – Untracked – m4a (66M)

Cast: Gabriella Pizzolo (Matilda), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Jennifer Bowles (u/s Miss Honey), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Taylor Trensch (Michael Wormwood), Natalie Venetia Belcon (t/r Mrs Phelps), Sawyer Nunes (alt Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Celia Mei Rubin (u/s Acrobat)

*Taylor Trensch's and Sawyer Nunes' last performance.

*playbill-love’S MASTER


※2014.08.13 – London – Untracked – m4a (66M)

Cast: Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), William Price (Bruce), Evie Sneath (Lavender), Sam Varley (Nigel), Kira Caple (Amanda), Ashton Henry-Reid (Eric), Ilana Blu Kneafsey (Alice), Claudia-Rose Carlier (Hortensia), Sebastian Croft (Tommy), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist, u/s Children’s Entertainer/ Sergei), Tommy Sherlock (Doctor), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), James Clyde (Mr Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael Wormwood), Joshua Lay (Rudolpho), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Lara Denning (Acrobat), Alex Gaumond (Miss Trunchbull), Lisa Davina Phillips (Mrs Phelps)

*tinyrevolt’S MASTER


※2014.10.29 – Broadway – Untracked (Evening) – mp3 (103M)

Cast: Fina Strazza (Matilda), Sean Montgomery (Party Entertainer/ Sergei, u/s Escapologist), Scott Difford (u/s Doctor), Lesli Margherita (Mrs Wormwood), Matt Harrington (Mr Wormwood), Alex Brightman (Michael Wormwood), Karen Aldridge (Mrs Phelps), Alison Luff (Miss Honey), Nadine Isenegger (u/s Acrobat), Christopher Sieber (Miss Trunchbull), Phillip Spaeth (Rudolpho), Mitchell Sink (Bruce), Sofia Roma Rubino (u/s Lavender), Jonah Halperin (Nigel), Beatrice Tulchin (Amanda), Ted Wilson (u/s Eric), Alexa Shae Niziak (Alice), Ava DeMary (Hortensia), Timothy TV Cao (u/s Tommy), Heather Tepe (u/s), Matt Meigs, Cassie Silva, Clay Thomson, Travis Waldschmidt

*Matt Meigs’ first performance. BC/ EFA speech by Christopher Sieber and Lesli Margherita.

*tinyrevolt’S MASTER


※2015.01.21 – London – Tracked – mp3 (130M)

Cast: Tasha Chapple (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Haley Flaherty (Miss Honey), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), Tommy Sherlock (Mr Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael Wormwood), Demi Goodman (u/s Mrs Phelps), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Harry Tunningley (Bruce), Lily Blackwell (Lavender), Luka Green (Nigel), Hannah Hutchins (Amanda), Emile Gooding (Eric), Ruby McNamara (Alice), Lauren Marler (Hortensia), Remi Gooding (Tommy), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist), Nicholas Duncan (u/s Doctor), Will Kenning (Entertainer), Will Kenning (Sergei), Lucy Jane Adcock (Cook)


※2015.04.19 – London – Untracked – m4a (65.9M)

Cast: Lottie Sicilia (Matilda), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Charlotte Scott (u/s Miss Honey), Kay Murphy (Mrs Wormwood), Tommy Sherlock (u/s Mr Wormwood), Joshua Wyatt (Michael), Harry Tunningley (Bruce), Eva Trodd (Lavender), Connor Deeks (Nigel), Caoimhe Judd (Amanda), Rory Toms (Eric), Charlotte Ross-Gower (Alice), Imogen Kingsley-Smith (Hortensia), Joshua Cameron (Tommy), Demi Goodman (u/s Mrs Phelps), Jason Winter (Rudolpho), Frances Dee (u/s Acrobat), Antony Lawrence (Escapologist), Nicholas Duncan (u/s Doctor), Will Kenning (Entertainer), Lucy Jane Adcock (Cook)

*Lottie and Harry’s final performances.

*tinyrevolt’S MASTER

*Master’s Notes: Great audience! Lots of cheers, laughs and claps throughout the show; an especially excellent performance by all. Special props go to the kid a few rows behind me who, when Nigel spelt ‘cat’ as 'c-a-f’, responded with a rather confused “No?!”. Aw.


※2015.06.16 – Broadway – Untracked – m4p (93.6M)

Cast: Sean Montgomery (u/s Party Entertainer/ Sergei), Eliza Holland Madore (Matilda), David Rosenthal (Bruce), Grace Capeless (Lavender), Jack Mullen (Nigel), Sofia Roma Rubino (alt Amanda), Christian Michael Camporin (Eric), Grace Matmijec (alt Alice), Beada Briglia (Hortensia), Cole Alex Edelstein (alt Tommy)


※2015.08.22 – Tour (Seattle) – Untracked – m4p (92.4M)

Cast: Michael Fatica (u/s Michael), Mabel Tyler (Matilda), Luke Kolbe Mannikus (alt Bruce), Serena Quadrato (alt Lavender), Cal Alexander (Nigel), Kayla Vinueza-Amistad (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Brittany Conigatti (u/s Hortensia), Meliki Hurd (Tommy)


※2015.09.24 – London – Untracked – m4a (63.9M)

Cast: Evie Hone (Matilda), Jason Rennie (Bruce), Demi Olawoyin (Lavender), Jacob Smith (Nigel), Ellie Dadd (Amanda), Ben Perkins (Eric), Bronte Cosgrave (Alice), Sophia Keaveney (Hortensia), Joe Sheridan (Tommy), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), Olly Dobson (Michael), Charlotte Scott (Acrobat), Elliot Harper (Escapologist)

*Evie Hone and all of the children's first performance.

*[Limited Trades - 2:1]


※2015.12.10 – US Tour (Schenectady, NY) – Untracked (Evening) – mp3 (127M)

Cast: Gabrielle Gutierrez (Matilda)


※2016.03.25 – London – Untracked – mp3 (126M)

Cast: Anna-Louise Knight (Matilda), Harrison Vaughan (Bruce), Dora Yolland (Lavender), Nael Ameen (Nigel), Ellie-Rose Eames (Amanda), Oliver Crouch (Eric), Kate Kenrick (u/s Eric), Maisy-May Woods-Smeeth (Alice), Thea Lamb (Hortensia), Jacob Smith (Tommy), Miria Parvin (Miss Honey), Craige Els (Miss Trunchbull), Demi Goodman (u/s Mrs Phelps), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Olly Dobson (Michael Wormwood), Charlotte Scott (The Acrobat), Elliot Harper (The Escapologist), John Brannoch (Rudolpho), Will Hawksworth (Doctor), Oliver Brooks (Entertainer), Biancha Szynal (Cook), Tom Muggeridge (Henchman/ Woman), Jonathan Cordin (Henchman/ Woman), Laura Tyrer (Henchman/ Woman)

*Anna-Louise and Harrison's 3rd to final performance. Oliver hurt himself during the first act, so Kate took over the role of Eric.


※2016.04.03 – Chicago, IL – Untracked – m4a (63.5M)

Cast: Sarah McKinley Austin (Matilda), Jennifer Blood (Miss Honey), David Abeles (Miss Trunchbull), Justin Packard (u/s Mr. Wormwood), Cassie Silva (Mrs. Wormwood), Ora Jones (Mrs Phelps), Darius Wright (u/s Doctor/ Escape Artist), Ashley Elizabeth Hale (Acrobat), Tony d’Alelio (u/s Michael), Michael Graceffa (Rudolpho/ Party Entertainer), Ryan Christopher Dever (Bruce), Madison Smith (u/s Lavender), Will Coombs (Nigel), Austyn Johnson (Amanda), Aristotle Rock (Eric), Cassidy Hagel (Alice), Megan McGuff (Hortensia), Jordan Hall (Tommy)


※2017.06.18 – London – Untracked – m4a (263M)

Cast: Abbie Vena (Matilda), Biancha Szynal (u/s Miss Honey), Oliver Brooks (u/s Miss Trunchbull), Michael Begley (Mr Wormwood), Rebecca Thornhill (Mrs Wormwood), Sharlene Whyte (Mrs Phelps), Elliot Harper (Escape Artist), Collette Coleman (u/s Acrobat), Fergal McGoff (u/s Michael), Daniel Ioannou (Rudolpho), Elliot Harper (u/s Party Entertainer), Matthew Rowland (Doctor), Maria Graciano (Cook), Max Brophy (Bruce), Olivia Calladine-Smith (Lavender), Sam Jennings (Nigel), Angelina Li (Amanda), Regan Garcia (Eric), Tilda Marriage Massey (Alice), Scarlett Wennink (Hortensia), Miles Haarcombe (Tommy); Matthew Serafini (Ensemble), Tom Muggeridge (u/s Ensemble), Richard Astbury, Katie Lee (u/s Ensemble)

*alittlemoretradingtodo’S MASTER [Gift Upon Request]


※2018.09.09 – Korea – Untracked – m4a (104M)

Cast: Seol Ga-Eun (Matilda)


※2019.02.28 – World Tour (Singapore) – Untracked – mp3 (127M)

Cast: Weslee Swain Lauder (Party Entertainer), Kenneth Meyer (Doctor), Claire Taylor (Mrs Wormwood), Stephen Jubber (Mr Wormwood), Morgan Santo (Matilda), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood), Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Mrs Phelps), Bethany Dickson (Miss Honey), Kenneth Meyer (The Escapologist), Jasmine Colangelo (The Acrobat), Ryan De Villars (Miss Trunchbull), Kent Jeycocke (Rudolpho), Weslee Swain Lauder (Sergei), Ipeleng Merafe (Alice), Sofia Poston (Amanda), Cameron Sear (Bruce), Levi Maron (Eric), Megan Saayman (Hanrietta), Robyn Nivey (Hortensia), Taylor Salgado (Lavendar), Zac Gabriel Werb (Tommy), Joshua LeClair (Nigel)

*Apr1n4’S MASTER


※2019.03.02 – World Tour (Singapore) – Untracked (Matinee) – mp3 (96.3M)

Cast: Kitty Harris (Matilda), Ryan de Villiers (Miss Trunchbull), Bethany Dickson (Miss Honey), Claire Taylor (Mrs Wormwood), Stephen Jubber (Mr Wormwood), Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Mrs Phelps), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood/ Tommy), Kent Jeycocke (Rudolpho), Kenneth Meyer (Doctor/ Escapologist), Jasmin Colangelo (Acrobat), Jack Fokkens (Bruce), Taylor Salgado (Lavender), Joshua LeClair (Nigel), Kitty Harris (Amanda), Levi Maron (Eric), Ipeleng Merafe (Alice), Robyn Ivey (Hortensia)

*Apr1n4’S MASTER


※2019.03.10 – World Tour (Singapore) – Untracked (Matinee) – m4a (64.6M)

Cast: Kitty Harris (Matilda), Ryan de Villiers (Miss Trunchbull), Bethany Dickson (Miss Honey), Claire Taylor (Mrs Wormwood), Stephen Jubber (Mr Wormwood), Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Mrs Phelps), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood/ Tommy), Kent Jeycocke (Rudolpho), Kenneth Meyer (Doctor/ Escapologist), Jasmin Colangelo (Acrobat), Jack Fokkens (Bruce), Taylor Salgado (Lavender), Joshua LeClair (Nigel), Lilla Fleischman (Amanda), Levi Maron (Eric), Ipeleng Merafe (Alice), Robyn Ivey (Hortensia)

*Apr1n4’S MASTER


※2019.03.16 – World Tour (Singapore) – Untracked (Evening) – m4a (64.6M)

Cast: Morgan Santo (Matilda), Ryan de Villiers (Miss Trunchbull), Bethany Dickson (Miss Honey), Claire Taylor (Mrs Wormwood), Stephen Jubber (Mr Wormwood), Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Mrs Phelps), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood/ Tommy), Kent Jeycocke (Rudolpho), Kenneth Meyer (Doctor/ Escapologist), Jasmin Colangelo (Acrobat), Cameron Seers (Bruce), Taylor Salgado (Lavender), Joshua LeClair (Nigel), Lilla Fleischman (Amanda), Keeron Issacs (Eric), Ipeleng Merafe (Alice), Robyn Ivey (Hortensia)

*Apr1n4’S MASTER


※2019.03.17 – World Tour (Singapore) – Untracked – mp3 (126M)

Cast: Cast: Weslee Swain Lauder (Party Entertainer), Kenneth Meyer (Doctor), Claire Taylor (Mrs Wormwood), Stephen Jubber (Mr Wormwood), Sofia Poston (Matilda), Zac Gabriel Werb (Michael Wormwood), Nompumelelo Mayiyane (Mrs Phelps), Bethany Dickson (Miss Honey), Kenneth Meyer(The Escapologist),Jasmin Colangelo (The Acrobat), Ryan De Villiers (Miss Trunchbull), Kent Jeycocke (Rudolpho), Weslee Swain Lauder (Sergei), Ipeleng Merafe (Alice), Kitty Harris (Amanda), Cameron Sear (Bruce), Levi Maron (Eric), Megan Saayman (Henrietta), Robyn Nivey (Hortensia),Taylor Saldago (Lavander), Zac Gabriel Werb (Tommy), Joshua LeClair (Nigel); Jasmin Colangelo, Londiwer Dhlomo, Katrina Dix, Kent Jeycocke, Weslee Swain Lauder, Carlo McFarlane, Kenneth Meyer, Jonathan Raath, Logan Timbre (Ensemble)

*Closing night. Conducted by Louis Zurnamer.

*Apr1n4’S MASTER


※2019.06.22 – Olney Theatre Centre, MD – Untracked (Evening) – mp3 (139M)

Cast: Emiko Dunn (Matilda), Tom Story (Miss Trunchbull), Christopher Michael Richardson (Mr. Wormwood), Tracy Lynn Olivera (Mrs. Wormwood), Felicia Curry (Miss Honey), Rayanne Gonzales (Mrs. Phelps), Andre Hinds (Rudolpho), Michael J. Mainwaring (Michael Wormwood), Jay Frisby (Doctor/ Sergei), Connor James Reilly (The Escapologist), Quynh-My Luu (The Acrobat), Jack St. Pierre (Bruce), Sebastian Gervase (Eric), Ainsley Deegan (Lavender), Eliza Prymak (Hortensia), Nina Brothers (Amanda), Hudson Prymak (Nigel), Michelle E. Carter, Ashleigh King, Calvin Malone, Camryn Shegogue

*oydtrades’ MASTER

*Master’s Notes: Act 1 cuts off near the very end after "Bruce" because I dropped my recorder. Act 2 is of slightly less quality because I had to record it on my phone, but is complete. This was the second public performance of the production, so there are some mic issues throughout as well.