mikro maschinen includes the work that Jaime Santa Isabel has done from his university days until today, using pseudonyms as well as his real name, working both in groups and through different collaborations.

Each work is a small conceptual machine. Each work is proposed as a manifesto about the way of understanding the profession of today's creative workers. As a result, within a great diversity of disciplines and themes there is a series of common concepts that are repeated in all of them: humor, social criticism, rethinking and questioning reality, multidisciplinarity interactivity and complicity.


Includes either temporary installations as well as any object that defines or helps the development of a brand.

Booths for trade fairs, exhibitors, architectural works, small ornamental objects.

Installations are artistic and/or architectural built volumetric works.

Conceptual objects created for exhibitions or temporary events.

This group of work is defined by the materials used to produce it. adhesive materials.

Tapes that generate more geometric and abstract works and vinyl films, which, depending on the way they are cut, also serve to define more figurative projects.

This set includes sortryboards, comics, graphic jokes and all kinds of drawings whose fundamental basis is hand-drawn lines.

Minor elements such as colour or text, when necessary, can be both handmade and digital.

Architectural projects are unconstructed works arising from commissions, competitions, academic exercises or collaborations.

They include all kinds of documents. Of course drawings but also models, videos, collages, actions.

Collages are either a tool to express a concept as well as an end in itself as an artistic style.

A collage can be defined either in the classic style, with paper cuts, as well as with technical drawings and/or digital files.