
I am a senior lecturer in economics, appointed as excellent teacher, and devoted to communicate and spread insights from economics and the research frontier to interested students. I have written chapters in several books intended to be used in education, as well as the applied microeconomics textbook Den ekonomiska människan (The Economic Man). If you are a student or a teacher who want to discuss economics education, please feel free to contact me.

Den ekonomiska människan (The Economic Man) is a non-technical introduction to applied microeconomics. It differs from most other applied microeconomics book in that both empirical methods and behavioral economics are discussed throughout the book. The ambition with the book is to help students develop skills to independently make simple microeconomic analyses using readily available data.

In addition, emphasis is put on applications of private economic importance, such as saving, borrowing, the housing market, and insurances. Moreover, how microeconomic analysis can be applied to phenomena that have traditionally not be considered economics is shown in the last two chapters on economics of crime and political economics.

If you are a teacher interested in using Den ekonomiska människan, please feel free to contact me for additional teaching materials such as slides, excersises, exam questions etc.

If you are interested in an english version of the book, please contac me.

Email: mikael.elinder@nek.uu.se

Link to the book at Studentlitteratur.

Den ekonomiska människan at Adlibris.

Nationalekonomins frågor (Economic questions) is anthology containing 18 chapters intended to show the breadth of economics as a discipline. Together with Henrik Jordahl, I have contributed with a chapter on political economics.

Link to the book at Studentlitteratur.

Link to the book at Adlibris.

For more of my work which is useful for teaching, see Popular/Policy.