
August 18-29, 2023

This past August, my father and I embarked on a ten-day trip to Northern Ireland.  The purpose was to finally fulfill my Nana’s request of spreading her ashes in Belfast; and the result was a life changing experience of connecting to my heritage while releasing some long-held grief.  My father and I shared the same concern that maybe it would be awkward to see people we had not stayed in touch with as my grandparents were the link that kept us together, but that was not the case.  We were welcomed with open arms and I was able to properly bond with this side of my family.  While it had been thirteen years since I was last in Belfast, this time I really felt like I was home and that I belonged. I cried for hours on the last night of the trip.  I realize now that wherever I have family residing, it will always feel like home.  My family, both immediate and extended, is my community and always will be.  And I feel very fortunate knowing that my community is not just here in the lower mainland, they are around the globe.  

Canon EOS Rebel X S / Nikon One-Touch 200 

Fuji Superia 400 - 35mm