About ME


2011.09-2017.02 Ph.D. in Physics, Sungkyunkwan University

Supervisor Beom Jun Kim (Google Scholar, Homepage)
Dissertation "Synchronization in Kuramoto oscillators and application to power-grid system"

2007.02-2011.08 BS in Physics, Sungkyunkwan University

+ Secondary Education Certificate for Level 2 (Physics Education)


2020.09-present Teaching Assistant Professor, Department of Applied Physics, Hanyang University

  • At 222, S&T building 1 (031-400-5484)

  • At Complexity Science Group (Homepage) with Prof. Seung-Woo Son (Google Scholar)

2017.03-2020.08 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Physics, Inha University

Supervisor Deok-Sun Lee (Google Scholar, Homepage)

  • 2021 Visiting researcher, Department of Computational Science, Korea Institute for Advanced Study, Korea

  • 2019-2020 Visiting researcher, Departamento de IngenerÍa Industrial, Faculdad de IngenierÍa, Universidad de Talca, Chile.

  • 2018-2019 Visiting researcher, Departamento de IngenerÍa Industrial, Faculdad de IngenierÍa, Universidad de Talca, Chile.

  • 2012 Visiting researcher and exchange student, Integrated Science Lab (Icelab), Umeå University, Sweden.


  • 2019 Prize for WISET-KPS Young Physicist, The Korean Physical Society (KPS) Fall conference, October 2019.

  • 2019 Best Presentation Award, Roles of Heterogeneity in Non-equilibrium collective dynamics (RHINO 2019), July 2019.

  • 2016 Prize for Excellent Female Graduate Students of Korean Physical Society, The Korean Physical Society (KPS) Fall conference, October 2016.

  • 2012 Prize for the Best Team Project, The 9th KIAS-APCTP Winter School on Statistical Physics, Feburary 2012.


  • 2021.03-2024.02 Young Researcher Program, 57,000,000 KRW (National Research Foundation of Korea)

  • 2018.09-2019.08 Fostering Next-generation Researchers Program, Post-Doc Domestic and Overseas Training, 45,000,000 KRW or 34,000 EUR or 37,000 USD (National Research Foundation of Korea)