
(4) "Uniform boundedness of semistable pure sheaves on projective manifolds" (with Julius Ross and Matei Toma), Preprint arXiv:2403.12855 (2024)

(3) "Semistability conditions defined by ample classes" (with Damien Mégy and Matei Toma), Preprint arXiv:2402.07758v2 (2024)

(2) "Restriction theorems for semistable sheaves", to appear in Documenta Mathematica, Preprint arXiv:2204.01762 (2022)

(1) "Moduli spaces of slope-semistable pure sheaves", to appear in Annales de l’Institut Fourier, Preprint arXiv:2105.09395v3 (2021)

PhD Thesis

  I did my PhD at the University of Lorraine in Nancy, France, under the supervision of Matei Toma.

Title: "Moduli spaces of semistable sheaves", Defence date: 30 September 2022

You can download the thesis manuscript at .