
Working papers

Bargaining Foundations for the Outside Option Principle [Online Appendix] (with Dilip Abreu)
R&R Review of Economic Studies  

Outside Options in the Assignment Game [coming soon] (with Dilip Abreu)

Networks with Efficient Random Matchings (with Francis Bloch and Bhaskar Dutta)


Games with Identical Shapley Values (with Sylvain Beal, Eric Remila, and Philippe Solal)
Handbook of The Shapley Value 2020

Models of Bilateral Trade in Networks
The Oxford Handbook on the Economics of Networks 2016


Bargaining and Exclusion with Multiple Buyers [Supplementary Material]  (with Dilip Abreu)
Econometrica 2024

Withholding and Damage in Bayesian Trade Mechanisms (with Eric Maskin)
Games and Economic Behavior 2023           

Bottleneck Links, Essential Intermediaries, and Competing Paths of Diffusion in Networks [Online Appendix]
Theoretical Economics 2021

Efficient Partnership Formation in Networks (with Francis Bloch and Bhaskar Dutta)
Theoretical Economics 2019

Intermediation and Resale in Networks [Online Appendix]
Journal of Political Economy 2018

Bargaining in Dynamic Markets
Games and Economic Behavior 2017

Steady States in Matching and Bargaining
Journal of Economic Theory 2017

Social Status in Networks (with Nicole Immorlica, Rachel Kranton, and Greg Stoddard)
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 2017

Bargaining and Efficiency in Networks (with Dilip Abreu)
Journal of Economic Theory 2012

Markov Equilibria in a Model of Bargaining in Networks (with Dilip Abreu)
Games and Economic Behavior 2012  

Bargaining in Stationary Networks [Online Appendix]
American Economic Review 2011  

Axioms for Deferred Acceptance (with Fuhito Kojima)
Econometrica 2010  

Incentives in the Probablistic Serial Mechanism (with Fuhito Kojima)
Journal of Economic Theory 2010 

Asymptotic Ordinal Inefficiency of Random Serial Dictatorship
Theoretical Economics 2009

A Constructive Proof of the Ordinal Efficiency Welfare Theorem
Journal of Economic Theory 2008

Unique Induced Preference Representations
Journal of Mathematical Economics 2008

Random Serial Dictatorship and Ordinally Efficient Contracts
International Journal of Game Theory 2008

Core Tâtonnement
Journal of Economic Theory 2007

Serial Dictatorship and Pareto Optimality
Games and Economic Behavior 2007