CMVS - Multimodal Sensing Team

 Miguel Bordallo López

Associate Professor

Vision systems engineering, real-time sensing, digital health

Le Nguyen

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Radio-based sensing,  multimodal  sensor system engineering

Xiaoting Wu

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Audiovisual kinship verification and deep learning 

 Constantino Álvarez Casado

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Real-time computer vision, signal processing systems

Praneeth Susarla

Post-Doctoral researcher

Radio based sensing, Beamforming, Reinforcement learning

Manuel Lage Cañellas

PhD student

Multimodal representation learning and computer vision

Nhi Nguyen

PhD student

rPPGs from deteriorated videos, end-to-end vital sign estimation

Sasan Sharifipour

PhD student

distributed sensing, sensing systems engineering

Current Master students:

Graduated PhD students:
