
@ Instituto Superior Técnico (IST)

Introduction to Computer Networks, 2023/24Mobile Communications Networks, 2023/24

@ Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL)

Computer Networks, 2022/23, 2021/22, 2020/21, 2019/20Computer Networks Project, 2022/23Internet Networks, 2021/22Advanced Networks, 2020/21, 2019/20

@ University of Aveiro (UA)

Fundamentals of Networks, 2019/20Telecommunications Networks, 2018/19

Ph.D. students

Andreia Figueiredo, “An Edge-fog-cloud continuum approach for vehicular networks and automotive applications”, supervised with Susana Sargento and Pedro Rito, Doctoral Programme in Electrical Engineering, UA, ongoingDaniela Sousa, “An adaptive and nomadic multi-technology network for critical scenarios”, supervised with Susana Sargento, Doctoral Programme in Computer Engineering, UA, ongoingPedro Cumino, “On the usefulness of UAVs as flying base stations in 5G and beyond scenarios”, supervised with Susana Sargento and Denis Rosário, Doctoral Programme in Computer Engineering, UA, ongoing

M.Sc. students

Cláudio Asensio, “Communication Approach for Bicycles Integrated in the Road, including People and Cargo Bikes”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, ongoing

João Torrinhas, “Vehicle-To-Vehicle And Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communication Protocols for Trains in Ports Environments”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, ongoing

João Viegas, “Manoeuvering Coordinated Messaging in Autonomous Driving”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, ongoing

Hugo Domingos, “Multihop Communication in SDN Vehicular Environments”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, ongoing

Edgar Inácio, “Monitoring the Science, Technology and Society (RCTS) Network using perfSONAR”, supervised with Luis Pires, in collaboration with FCCN, ISEL, ongoing

João Oliveira, “Microservices in Edge and Cloud Computing for Intelligent Transportation Systems”, UA, 2023

Miguel Nogueira, “A Multi-controller SDN for the Aveiro Tech City Living Lab”, supervised with Pedro Rito, UA, 2023

Afonso Teixeira, “Aerial Base Station for 5G-Drones”, supervised with Arnaldo Oliveira, in collaboration with Capgemini Porugal, UA, 2023

José Helder, “Gestão Preditiva de Ataques de Negação de Serviço em Redes Corporativas”, ISEL, 2023

André Brandão, “IoT/IoE: Modular Features Using an Unified Protocol”, supervised with Susana Sargento, in collaboration with Bosch Ovar, UA, 2023

Tiago Lima, “Comunicações Multi-tecnologia IoT para Comboios Conectados”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2023

Nuno Ferreira, “Multihoming in Software Defined Vehicular Networks”, supervised with Pedro Rito, UA, 2023

João P. Soares, “Mobile LoRa Gateway for Communication and Sensing on the Railway”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2022

João F. Soares, “Backhaul Steering for Dual Band WiFi Mesh”, supervised with Susana Sargento, in collaboration with Altice Labs, UA, 2022

João Perpétua, “Multi Technology and Sensing Platform for 2wheelers’ Safety”, supervised with Pedro Rito, in collaboration with Bosch Braga, UA, 2022

Joaquim Ramos, “Flight Mission-based Service Orchestration”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2022

Rodrigo Ferreira, “Vehicular Mobility Prediction for Improved Network Management”, supervised with Rodolfo Oliveira, FCT-UNL, 2022

Duarte Dias, “A Software Defined Vehicular Network using Cooperative Intelligent Transport System Messages”, supervised with Pedro Rito, UA, 2021

Rui da Silva, “Distributed control and communication for UAVs”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2021

Andreia Figueiredo, “Mobility sensing and V2X communication for Emergency Services”, supervised with Pedro Rito, UA, 2021

Sérgio Francisco, “Development of an IoT network”, supervised with Prof. Pedro Pinho, ISEL, 2021

Diego Hernandez, “Consumer mobility awareness in information centric networks”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2021

Alexandre Figueiredo, “Medium access control in LoRa networks with multiple low-cost gateways”, supervised with André Zúquete, UA, 2021

Ricardo Chaves, “On the Study of IPFS as a Content Distribution Protocol for Vehicular Networks”, supervised with Susana Sargento, in collaboration with Nexar (old Veniam), UA, 2021

Francisco Oliveira, “Machine Learning for the Dynamic Positioning of a Network of Aerial Drones”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2021

Filipe Rocha, “Complementing Vehicular Connectivity Coverage through Cellular Networks”, supervised with André Zúquete, UA, 2019

João Patrício, “Network Mechanisms for Swarms of Drones in Aquatic Sensing Environments”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2019

Luís Gameiro, “Context-based Forwarding for Mobile ICNs”, supervised with Carlos Senna, UA, 2019

Luís Leira, “Context-based Caching in ICN for Mobile IoT Environments”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2019

Miguel da Silva, “Virtual Function in Multihomed Vehicular Networks”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2019

Rui Lopes, “Real-time Video Transmission in Multi-homed Vehicular Networks” supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2019

Rui Fernandes, “Medium Access Control for Large Scale LoRa Networks”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2019

Valter Vieira, “QoE of Video Streaming in Multihomed Vehicular Networks”, supervised with André Zúquete, UA, 2019

Rui Oliveira, “Forwarding Strategies for Opportunistic Data Gathering in Mobile IoT”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2018

Christian Gomes, “Loss Minimization in a Multihoming Vehicular Network”, supervised with André Zúquete, UA, 2018

Rodrigo Almeida, “A Multi-technology Network for Environmental Data Gathering through Opportunistic Communications”, supervised with Susana Sargento, UA, 2017