Data Deletion

Requesting Data Deletion for Word Clashers

As a player of Word Clashers, you have the right to request the deletion of your personal data from our servers. This document guides you through the process of initiating a data deletion request via email.

Step 1: Send a Deletion Request Email

To start the data deletion process, you need to send an email to our Data Protection Team. Use the following email address:

Your email must include:

- The subject line: "Data Deletion Request"

- Your account username.

- A clear statement of what data you wish to have deleted (e.g., personal information, account details, in-game progress).

Step 2: Email Template for Deletion Request

Here is a template you can use for your email:

Subject: Data Deletion Request

Dear Data Protection Team,

I am writing to request the deletion of my personal data associated with Word Clashers. 

Username: [Your Username as in the game]

Please delete the following data: [Specify the data you want to be deleted, such as personal information, account details, personal information. etc.]

[Your Name]

Step 3: Confirmation and Deletion Process

Upon receiving your email, we will send you a confirmation notice within a few days. A Data Deletion confirmation popup will appear the next time you log into the game. You must agree to this popup to proceed with the deletion.

Once you confirm, we will carry out the deletion process within the next 10 days. During this period, please refrain from using your account to ensure a smooth and complete deletion of data.

Additional Information

- If you have any questions about the data deletion process or require assistance, please feel free to contact our support team.

- Be aware that while we will delete your data as requested, some data may need to be retained due to legal obligations or for essential business purposes.

Contact Support

For additional support, please contact: ``.