

I received my Ph.D. from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel under the guidance of Prof. Daniel Zelazo in the faculty of Aerospace Engineering. My previous education is in theoretical mathematics. I received a B.Sc. (summa cum laude) and an M.Sc (magna cum laude) from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. I was under the supervision of Prof. Uri Bader during my M.Sc.

Academic Experience

I am a postdoctoral researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden. I am working with Prof. Karl Henrik Johansson on contract-based design for networked control systems.

I have received the Springer thesis award for my Ph.D. thesis on network optimization methods in passivity-based cooperative control. I also won other international awards during my Ph.D. such as the IEEE Student Travel Award (2017) and the Designs Travel Award (2019). I also received some domestic awards, including the Dvorah and Professor Joseph Shinar Award (2018) and the Dov Shimshon Cohen award (2019); both are annual awards, given to one recipient for excellence in research in the field of aerospace engineering. For my academic accomplishment, I was selected as a part of the 2021 class of Forbes Israel "30 Under 30" list.

I have previously served as a teaching assistant in the following courses:

  • Foundations of Integrative Science 1&2 (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel, 320097 and 320098)

  • Special minicourse on Algebraic Representations of Ergodic Actions (University of Wrocław, Poland)

    • A series of lectures given by Prof. Uri Bader on topics in the intersection of geometric group theory, ergodic theory and representation theory.

    • I gave a series of tutorial sessions on the presented topics, ranging from the Haar measure and the projective linear group to algebraic representation theory. You can see the tutorial sessions here.

Industry Experience

I have previously served in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) as an algorithm developer and researcher as well as an engineer, as a part of the mandatory draft in Israel (2015-2020). I have worked on real-time navigation and filtering, focusing on topics like cooperative navigation and GNSS ionospheric error compensation. I have also worked on designing the architecture of the navigation module in multiple projects, integrating hardware and software, and conducting and analyzing experiments.