What are the consequences of not going through probate in Midwest City, Oklahoma?

Midwest City Oklahoma is in Oklahoma County. Therefore, probate proceedings for a Midwest City resident would most likely be held in the District Court of Oklahoma County - Probate Division.

But what are the consequences of doing nothing.

Firstly, without the oversight of a probate process governed by the courts, identifying the rightful heirs to the deceased's estate becomes challenging. This uncertainty can spark conflicts among relatives or others who might claim a share, potentially delaying and complicating the asset distribution process.

Secondly, in the absence of probate proceedings, the creditors of the deceased may remain unaware of their passing and may persist in pursuing debt settlements. This situation could lead to the estate's assets being locked in settling debts instead of being passed on to the legitimate heirs.

Thirdly, avoiding the probate process can cause a postponement in the allocation of assets to the heirs, due to the lack of a formal mechanism to guarantee the accurate accounting and swift distribution of the estate.

Fourthly, for estates that include real estate, transferring ownership without probate is usually not feasible.

Finally, any taxes owed by the deceased would remain unresolved.

In summary, navigating through the Midwest City probate process facilitates the proper distribution of the deceased's assets in alignment with their wishes, ensures the clearance of any debts or taxes, and allows the heirs to inherit their portions without unnecessary delays.

Cortes Law Firm 

5801 Broadway Extension Hwy Suite 110

Oklahoma City, OK, 73118

United States




Cortes Law Firm, 5801 Broadway Extension Hwy Suite 110, Oklahoma City, OK, 73118, United States

