Mido  Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies to games and apps published by Mido Games Group  and is meant to comply with your rights under law, and to ensure that you receive adequate information about how your information is collected, processed, conveyed and deleted.

We acknowledge that our games are meant for young children; and as we are aware that they cannot understand legal documents, we request that you provide your consent as the legal guardian of your child.

Our apps do not actively collect any information from children.

It does collect technical information which does not specifically identify a user but supports the operation of our apps.

For example, we use Firebase Analytics for database and statistics. We collect this information for internal use only and it can’t be used to identify a user. This third party is prohibited from sharing any data. For more information, see this: https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/

Some features of the game like sharing kids’ drawings with others or other similar features may need access to Gallery and the players will be asked about this permission and this is something that they can reject if don’t really want to grant this access.

We may make changes to the policy from time to time so please be sure to check regularly

Plugins and SDKs used in our products:

Here is the list of plugins and SDKs currently used in our products:

Game Analytics

Native Share/Save

Native Gallery

Native File Manager

Google Admob

Unity Ad

Unity IAP

Firebase Analytics

Google Play store review & update

Liftoff(Vungle ad)

As mentioned before, all information collected from these are not personal, for internal use, not shared and support the operation of our apps.


We use generally accepted security measures and safeguards in an attempt to keep the data it collects secure and requires that the third parties it works with agree to do the same. Please be aware though that, despite our best efforts, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable.

How do we collect and process your information?

We understand the importance of our users’ personal information, and more importantly the information pertaining to children under 13 years of age. We do not collect or require users to enter their personal information when using our products. We do not collect any personal information from children with our apps.

We may receive your non-personal data indirectly from the following third-party analytics or advertiser providers. These third parties do not share your user data; they are used to support the operation of our apps.

Game Analytics

Firebase Analytics


Google Admob

Liftoff(Vungle ad)

We also use Firebase and Unity Mobile Notifications to send push notifications about in-game events and features in some of our products.

Do We Use Cookies? 

We use cookies in order to allow your child to log-in to our game when he uses the web interface. A cookie is a small file stored on your computer which may be later also used to identify him. We may also allow several third parties to place cookies. In that case, these cookies may be used to identify your child in their services as well.

How Do We Collect Information? 

We collect information when a user plays the game or makes purchases. All this information is collected and stored on our Firebase database and transferred via secure socket layer (SSL). We use encryption to make sure that third parties cannot listen on the conversation between your mobile device and our servers, and to ensure that information is sent only to our servers, in order to minimize the chance of a malicious entity that might want to impersonate our server.

If you would like more information, please contact us at: midopia.com@gmail.com