Welcome to the Stamford Computer Learning Program

What will I learn?

Over the next few weeks, we hope to teach the basics of working with computers and the Google platform to ultimately create your own website. We will start with the fundamentals and make sure all students learn the computer skills they need.

How is the course structured?

This is a dynamic program where students will create concept-based websites of their choosing, leveraging the Google Platform. This program is designed to develop creativity, presentation, organization, and technical skills.

Over 8 weeks, the fundamentals of computer skills will be taught and practiced with the ultimate goal of designing and building functional websites based upon Google Sites. Students will pick a concept, a design, and build a Google site based upon their plans.

Each site will adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Aesthetics – The look and feel for the site should be consistent and appealing. Fonts and colors should blend together.
  2. Ease of use – Sites need to be self-explanatory and easy to use. Comments and clarity should be a focus. Easy to navigate and well organized.
  3. Content – The site should be on subject matter which is useful and informative that would educate or inform/entertain the audience. Needs to provide a value.
  4. Creativity and uniqueness – The site should have unique concepts that show imagination in providing solutions.
  5. Integration with Google tools – The site should integrate "one or more" of the Google tools such as Blogger, Calendar, Contacts, Youtube, Translate while adding to the value of the website.
  6. Data Organization/Storage - A required component that stores sets of associated data and validation that the data is good; create a Google sheet from Google forms, collecting data sets such as Name, Address, Phone number, etc.

Basic Functionality needs to include 5 functions: enter, store, search, retrieve, and display

NOTE: Each concept needs to be written out on paper for approval of content before starting work.

Learning Objectives

  1. Accounts - Google Account
  2. Files and Directories - Google Drive
  3. Operations - Google Docs
  4. Data Management - Google Sheets
  5. Input and Output - Google Forms
  6. Email
  7. The Internet and Web Concepts
  8. Websites - Google Sites