David Tremont

David Tremont

By David Tremont:

Bilbo Baggins in Bag End

Bilbo Baggins at his Desk

King Thror on Throne


Minas Morgul


Front Gate To Erebor


Orthanc, Black Tower of Isengard

White Council Chamber

The House Of Beorn

Bag End Collector's Edition

Bag End

1 Bagshot Row

13 Apple Orchard

16 Hill Lane

16 Hill Lane – Halloween Edition

19 & 20 Pine Grove

26 Gandalf's Cutting

34 Lakeside

35 Bagshot Row

35 Bagshot Row – Christmas Edition

36 Bagshot Row

40 Bagshot Row

5 Hill Lane

The Great Garden Smial

The Green Dragon Inn

2A Hill Lane

31 Lakeside

The Hobbit House of Farmer Maggot

Hobbiton Mill and Bridge

39 Low Road

24 Gandalf's Cutting

Palantir Courtyard: Dol Guldur Miniature

North Courtyard: Dol Guldur Miniature

South Courtyard: Dol Guldur Miniature

Colonnade: Dol Guldur Miniature

Gondor King's Guard Helm

Helm of Prince Théodred

Skull Trophy Helm of the Orc Lieutenant

Uruk-Hai General's Helm

Gundabad Orc Helm

Uruk-hai Swordsman's Helm

Helm of a Battle Troll

Moria Orc Helm

Crown of the King of the Dead

Easterling Helm

Helm of the Mouth of Sauron

War Mask of the Morgul Lord

Helm of Sauron

The Dark Lord Sauron

The Arms of Moria Orcs

Mace of Sauron