Master Data Services enables you to manage a master set of your organization's data. You can organize the data into models, create rules for updating the data, and control who updates the data. With Excel, you can share the master data set with other people in your organization.

For a description of the Master Data Services architecture, see the Master Data Services -- The Basics article on For information about the new features in SQL Server, see What's New in Master Data Services (MDS)

For instructions on how to install Master Data Services, set up the database and Website, and deploy the sample models, see Master Data Services Installation and Configuration.

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In Master Data Services, the model is the highest level container in the structure of your master data. You create a model to manage groups of similar data, for example to manage online product data. A model contains one or more entities, and entities contain members that are the data records. An entity is similar to a table.

Once you've defined a basic structure for your data, you can start adding data records (members) by using the import feature. You load data into staging tables, validate the data using business rules, and load the data into MDS tables. You can also use business rules to set attribute values.

You might want to complete the following tasks in a test environment and use the sample data provided when you install Master Data Services. For more information, see Deploying Models (Master Data Services).

This article covers how to install Master Data Services on a Windows Server 2012 R2 machine, set up the MDS database and website, and deploy the sample models and data. Master Data Services (MDS) enables your organization to manage a trusted version of data.

On the Role Services page, confirm that the following services are selected, and then click Next. These services are required for Master Data Services on Windows Server 2012 R2.

SQL Server 2019 (15.x) adds support for SQL Server Managed Instance. Set the value of SQL Server Instance to the host of the managed instance. For example,

Select the Authentication type and then click Test Connection to confirm that you can connect to the database using the credentials for the authentication type you selected. Click Next.

Click Next to view a summary of the settings for the Master Data Services database, and then click Next again to create the database. The Progress and Finish page appears.

You've finished setting up the database. The Database Configuration page now displays the SQL Server instance that you're connected to for Master Data Services, the database you've created and the current database version.

You've finished setting up the Website. The Web Configuration page now displays the Website you selected, Web application you created, and the Master Data Services database associated with the application.

You can also use Master Data Services Configuration Manager to specify other settings for the Web applications and services associated with the Master Data Services database. For example, you can specify how frequently data is loaded or how often validation emails are sent. For more information, see System Settings (Master Data Services).

The following three sample model packages are included with Master Data Services. These sample models include data. The default location for the sample model packages is %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Master Data Services\Samples\Packages.

In order to know more about the metadata information of the sample models, please refer to the readme file available at this location "c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\140\Master Data Services\Configuration"

Performance improvements enable you to create larger models, load data more efficiently, and get better overall performance. This includes improvement the performance of the add-in for Microsoft Excel has been improved to decrease data load times and enable the add-in to handle larger entities.

There is data compression on the entity level, which by default is enabled. When data compression is enabled, all the entity related tables and indexes are compressed with SQL Row Level compression. This significantly reduces the disk I/O when reading or updating the master data, especially when the master data has millions of rows and/or has a lot of NULL value columns.

The Dynamic Content Compression IIS feature is enabled, by default. This significantly reduces the size of the xml response and saves the network I/O, though CPU usage is increased. If you have CPU bound on the server, you can turn off data compression by adding the following setting to the Master Data Services Web.config file.

By default the MDS_MDM_Sample_Index_Maintenance job runs weekly. You can modify the schedule. You can also manually run the job at any time by using the udpDefragmentation stored procedure. It is recommended that you run the stored procedure each time a large volume of master data is inserted or updated, or after a new version is created from the existing version.

In this release of Master Data Services, we're providing more levels of permissions by introducing the following new permissions: Read, Create, Update and Delete. For example, a user that has only the Update permission can now update the master data without creating or deleting the data. When you give a user the Create, Update or Delete permission, the user is automatically assigned the Read permission. You can also combine the Read, Create, Update and Delete permissions.

You can now clean transaction logs at pre-determined intervals or on a schedule, using the System settings and at the model level. For a MDS system with lot of data changes and ETL processes these tables can grow exponentially and lead to performance degradation and storage space issues.

You can configure the frequency that data is removed from the transaction logs, using the System settings and at the model level. For more information, see System Settings (Master Data Services)and Create a Model (Master Data Services). For more information about transactions, see Transactions (Master Data Services).

A member revision history is recorded when a member is changed. You can rollback a revision history, as well as view and annotate revisions. Using the Log Retention Days property, you can specify how long historical data is retained. For more information, see Member Revision History (Master Data Services).

If you try to publish data that has been changed by another user, the publish will fail with a conflict error. To resolve this error, you can perform merge conflicts and republish the changes. For more information, see Merge Conflicts (Master Data Services) and Merge Conflicts (MDS Add-in for Excel).

In most businesses, customers buy products or services. Because customer relationships are essential, each time a customer buys a product or service, the transaction is recorded. After the transaction is recorded and coded properly, the details of the transaction will never change. MDM is about managing the relationships between these static transactions, rather than the transactions themselves. For example, with a retail chain, each store has a certain group of products that it has in its inventory and a database of registered customers. The list of products available to sell and the list of customer addresses are master data. Sally buying four shirts on Friday is a transaction.

The more often this data is required for a transaction, the greater its importance to your organization. Central management of this data helps identify data discrepancies between multiple transactional systems and helps your organization run more efficiently.

When companies began using computer applications to manage information, they had to load all pertinent data directly into each application before they could perform tasks and generate results with those applications. Over time, companies adopted more applications and had to enter the same dataset into each of them. As a response to this, developers began to employ the technique of creating master files that stored key, reusable data for use within each application. These initial master files were the first MDM systems.

Once the master data was loaded into each application, new records would be added in the application or to the master list, and the result of which was that the two sets of data were no longer in sync. Early data reconciliation efforts were time consuming and costly. Very few tools existed that could identify differences and manage duplicate records.

As more organizations adopted ERP systems, they realized that using these single systems in isolation was an unrealistic solution. They then adopted multiple ERP systems, and their master data problems re-emerged. Specialized systems designed to manage the most problematic domains became major implementations in the larger organizations. Now there is a push in the industry to provide solutions that can solve MDM issues across a multitude of domains.

All organizations must deal with their MDM issues. Whether managing domains in Excel spreadsheets or managing them with a specialized solution, a key role of the IT department in any size organization today is to provide processes for managing master data and integrating it across all systems. Various solutions other than MDS are available, but each has weaknesses that are addressed by MDS.

While ERP systems are a significant consumer of master data, using these systems by themselves to manage master data has major drawbacks. Also, the initial concept vision that a single ERP system would handle all the computing needs of an organization was shortsighted.

The costs associated with MDM solutions and the high risk of failure in self-deploying such solutions leave a large portion of the small and midsize business market underserved. Out of necessity, many of these businesses are using Excel spreadsheets or internally designed systems to manage master data. These systems typically neglect the need for security, central management, and versioning. 17dc91bb1f

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