The reason is that the installation file is (despite the name) not just the Management Studio, but actually the Sql Server express plus the management tools, so it is possible you might have installed the sql server and not the management tools.

hi this is chandra. i am using o.s. is windows 7 64 bit for installing Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express

i tried what you mention in above and install successfully. But when i trying to run that time server name is not showing(empty) then i put my system name and system name\sql express BUT NOT CONNECTING. 2 time i uninstall and install but same problem is showing pl z tell me solution Thank you!

Microsoft Sql Server Management Studio Express Free Download Windows 7

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The Windows Internal Database is an embedded data service that can only be usedby a handful of Windows Services. It is designed in such a way that you are notallowed to connect to and use this particular database service for non-Microsoftproducts. By default, installing either WSUS 3.0 or WSS 3.0 will create the databaseson the C:\ partition and will cause administration issues such as insufficient diskspace. It is quite confusing to manage this SQL Server instance as it does not appearas a SQL Server service nor are there management tools included with the products.The easiest way is to useSQL Server Management Studio Express. You can install a copy of SQL Server ManagementStudio Express on the server running your WSUS 3.0 or WSS 3.0. You then registerthis instance using Named Pipes as this is the only configuration for connectivity.Use this server name when you register this instance

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