I know there are a number of good map options for PC, Littlenavmap and some tablet and browser based ones, but is there anything that will work with the XBox installation of MSFS to provide a proper map? I like being able to see where I am in the world!

Its about time that this is implemented on the xbox, the MSFS VFR map is useless particular over large land masses and those without airport markers, where it becomes impossible to zoom out sufficiently to work out visually where you are! Improve the map or give 3rd parties the tools to do a better job!

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This is basically similar to the other thread where somebody wanted to make XBOX read and process .pln files on XBOX. All I can say is take the issue to the XBOX forums and hopefully it can be addressed by the XBOX Dev team. I think it is a very good idea. Hopefully you can at least get a thumbs up or thumbs down by the powers to be regarding this.

Well Microsoft in theory could make it happen right? At least the part of Microsoft that is developing the XBOX. The part of Microsoft here in these forums have absolutely nothing to do with this issue though so raising it here will accomplish absolutely nothing.

Oh so Microsoft is getting their microprocessors with this security feature already enabled before they even touch it then. They would have to change the way they are developing their chips and I doubt that is going to happen. I do think it would be great if XBOX had the same functionality as PC. Wishful thinking though it sure seems.

Well there could conceivably be a third party map app that works within MSFS on Xbox though then? Or, has been suggested by people already, that the existing VFR map is replaced with a proper Bing map with airports and Navaids overlaid on it. That would be at least as good for me.

Thats the problem though apparently. You need an application to pull that data from web servers and that communication is currently not possible. The app could also not comunicate with the simulator. At least how I understand it.

If ms / Xbox are already trying to implement remote playing of games on android and iOS then it would be just as easy for them to add some exported packets of data for 3rd parties to use. It just takes imagination and inclination!

However, a while before I discovered companion apps for MSFS2020 PC I flew and navigated VFR on some quite extensive and challenging trips using just what I could see from the cockpit, my compass/heading and a laptop to the side with bing and Google maps open (satellite view) to compare with what I saw and where I expected to be.

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Hi, can someone tell me what to assign the nozzle controls in X-plane 11 for the AV8-B Harrier? I have tried thrust reverse, dose not work. Do you have to link the nozzles to the flaps like in other models of the Harrier?Thanks Will....

So I have been looking for an app on android that lets me control gear, flaps, spoilers etc. to be used when I am flying with my dad on FSX and I cant seem to find anything. Anyone know any good ones?...

Are there any bridges on which you can land a plane within FSX? I'm flying a Harrier and tried a VTOL landing onto a bridge, lined up nice, but the graphics just melted away and I slipped through the bridge towards the sea! Nice view of the underside pill...

hi iv bought an ad-don a while ago for Microsoft flight sim 2002 and it will not work in 2004 can some one tell me if there is an update or a fix the ad-don is called harrier jump jet made by just flight thanks

In the realm of digital entertainment, few experiences captivate the imagination like the sensation of flight. From the early days of gaming, flight simulators have offered enthusiasts the chance to pilot aircraft through virtual skies, offering a taste of the freedom and exhilaration of aviation. With the advent of mobile technology, this experience has become more accessible than ever before. Among the pioneers in this field stands Microsoft Flight Simulator Mobile, a groundbreaking title that brings the magic of flight to the palm of your hand.

Flight simulation has a rich history, dating back to the early days of computing. In the 1970s, primitive systems allowed users to experience basic flight mechanics on rudimentary computer setups. These early simulations paved the way for more sophisticated experiences in the decades that followed. Technological advancements in computing power and graphics capabilities propelled flight simulation into increasingly realistic realms, culminating in the highly acclaimed Microsoft Flight Simulator series for desktop platforms. With each iteration, developers pushed the boundaries of realism, creating immersive experiences that captivated players around the world.

II. Introducing Microsoft Flight Simulator Mobile: Developed by Microsoft Studios and released in [Year], Microsoft Flight Simulator Mobile represents a landmark achievement in mobile gaming. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, the game delivers a breathtaking aerial experience that rivals its desktop counterparts. Designed for both casual players and aviation enthusiasts alike, the mobile version offers intuitive controls and streamlined gameplay, allowing users to take to the skies anytime, anywhere. From soaring over majestic mountains to navigating bustling cityscapes, Microsoft Flight Simulator Mobile brings the thrill of flight to the palm of your hand.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Mobile is a Flight Simulator developed for Microsoft Windows, Xbox X Series and for iOS and Android devices. By Asobo Studio and released by Xbox Game Studios. It is the eleventh big entry in the series of Microsoft Flight Simulators, followed by Flight Simulator X.

Flight Simulator uses the in-house built games engine of Asobo and uses Bing Maps, technology to access data from the cloud on demand over two petabytes. Microsoft has collaborated with Blacksharkai to create a Microsoft Azure cloud and artificial intelligence application that analyzes cartographic data and 3D modeling in house, trees, land etc. This helps a simulator to display 3D photorealism and other high resolution elements in most parts of the world. In the motor of the game the data from height and landscape are provided by satellite images or fly-by camera files.

The Android Microsoft Flight Simulator has several terabytes of data from the texture and the charts. The game uses a base mesh and textures to relay even higher quality field data to Desktop or console while the player plays in the Azure environment, improving performance fidelity and graphics

In order to accurately simulate thousands of objects, 3D forces and moments, Asobo developed its own flight model system. True physics and weather systems and the use of actual weather data are now available. An analogy given during E3 2019 was that it will rain in real life anywhere. Individual clouds will have their own behaviour, and based on their role within the scheme, their success will affect aircraft. Flight Simulator has a draw distance of 600 kilometers. Allowing the player to see tempests hundreds of miles away and lightning crashing in the clouds.

In addition , cloud technology helps quantify items such as how air flows through natural objects like mountains to create a bag of turbulence or stream from the real world of air travel, day and weather. Regarding the feuillage, the game often features waves produced by the ocean, geometrically rendering individual grass and sea blades.

Flight Simulator Mobile is used. Often rays are used by voxel retranslation as the reflex game process. A mixture of screens and cubic maps is often used to represent more distant water sources. In addition to an integrated lighting system, the Flight Simulator uses the highly precise shaders. Flight Simulator Mobile APK uses screen-space reflections and bokeh field depth extensively.

Microsoft Flight Simulator Mobile populates, the landscape with automobile animals and paths. Water flows in natural wind direction and grass with individual grass blades and trees with single leaves. Creating an illusion of a living environment. About 2 million cities, 1.5 billion homes, two trillion trees and 37,000 real-life airports are all part of the game life.

In terms of runway, Asobo will plan the perimeter, runway length, direction and other resources in terms of dedicated equipment. This method also helps Microsoft to identify objects and optical irregularities from a birds-eye viewpoint, clarifying the data for a globally positive algorithm.

It is clear to see that Microsoft has been using the latest Flight Simulator for a decade. It is an incredible technological achievement in the genre that takes a kind of game renowned for realism to a new level. You can actually fly anywhere in the country, and if not quite, it will look amazing.

Designed by simmers for simmers, the Arrow can be your primary controller on your laptop, Android tablet or desktop simulator. Packed with everything you need for the most advanced simulators, the Arrow is designed to be with you wherever you want to fly.

The Arrow is the perfect size for sitting back at your desk or kicking your feet up on the couch and easy to toss in your carry-on for flying on your laptop or Android tablet. The ultra-versatile Arrow is also ideal for the simmer who wants to fly without requiring major hardware investments. 152ee80cbc

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