III Brazil-Argentine Microfluidics Congress

VI Congreso de Microfluídica Argentina

November 7-9, 2022. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Conferencias Invitadas

Invited Lectures

Dr. Emanuel Carrilho

El Dr. Carrilho obtuvo su B.Sc. en Química en 1987, y su M.Sc. en Química Analítica de la Universidad de São Paulo (USP) en São Carlos, Brasil, en 1990. Obtuvo su Ph.D. en Northeastern University en 1997 bajo la dirección del Profesor Barry L. Karger, en el Barnett Institute, en Boston, MA. Se unió al programa de química analítica en el Instituto de Química en São Carlos, USP en 1998, llegando a ser Profesor Asociado en 2013 y Profesor Titular en 2014. Durante 2007-2009 fue pasante en la Universidad de Harvard en el grupo del Profesor George M. Whitesides.

Title: Paper & Plastic; Printers & Cutters: Microfluidics out from a craft shop!

Dr. Natalia Hassan

Dr. Natalia Hassan is Researcher of “Programa Institucional de Fomento a la I+D+i” at Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (Santiago-Chile). She is Chemistry from Universidad de Chile and Ph.D. in Materials Science from Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). She did her postdoctoral research at Sorbonne University, campus Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris-France) in microfluidics. She is focused on the synthesis, functionalization, and bioapplications of metal and polymeric nanoparticles by conventional and microfluidic methods with applications in nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine.

Title: Shape and size effect of nanoparticles in their interaction with plasma proteins by microfluidic devices

Dr. Gastón Miño

El Prof. Gastón L. Miño es Bioingeniero de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos (FIUNER), Magister en Tecnología Química de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral y Doctor en Física de la Universidad Pierre y Marie Curie, parte de la actual Universidad Sorbona de Paris. Realizó estancias posdoctorales en École Supérieure de Physique et Chimie Industriel (ESPCI) en Paris, Francia y el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) en Cambridge, Estados Unidos.

Actualmente es Profesor titular de la catedra “Biomateriales y Biocompatibilidad” de la carrera de Bioingeniería de FIUNER e Investigador Adjunto en el Instituto de Investigación y Desarrollo en Bioingeniería y Bioinformática (IBB) de doble dependencia entre CONICET y UNER en Oro Verde, Entre Ríos. Además, es integrante fundador del Grupo de Investigación en Microfluídica (GIM) e Integrante del Laboratorio de Microscopía Aplicada a Estudios Moleculares y Celulares (LAMAE) de FIUNER. Desde 2019, es responsable del Área de Microfabrición de FIUNER.

Title: Caracterización de la migración celular in vivo y transporte de microorganismos bajo campo eléctrico

Dr. Harold Auradou

Dr. Harold Auradou is a CNRS researcher. He is a physicist and engineer, with a strong interest in the physics of complex and reactive flow in porous media. Today, his research focuses on advancing our fundamental understanding of flow of bacteria through soil, rocks and other porous media using microfluidic experiments. Research in his group combines theory, simulation and experiments that study fundamental aspects of complex and reactive flow, which then apply for problems in the areas of energy and the environment

Title: Potential of microfluidics for understanding the behavior of bacteria under gradients: application to soil bacteria.

Dra. Vania Silverio

Vania Silverio is Assistant Researcher at INESC MN, currently involved in scientifically innovative and challenging projects combining nanotechnology with simulation tools for the design, fabrication, integration and test of Microfluidic Platforms, Lab-On-Chip and Organ-on-Chip. Additionally, she has been nominated as Expert for the definition of Standards and Processes for Microfluidics .

She authored several research publications in the areas of fluid dynamics at the microscale and microfluidics device fabrication. She combines her research with service providing and advanced training, teaching and theses supervision at the Master and PhD level at Instituto Superior Técnico, ULisboa .

She holds a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering (Tecnico, ULisboa) and a Licenciatura degree in Technological Chemistry (FCUL, ULisboa).

Title: A path to standardization in microfluidics: transforming challenges into opportunities for a universal tool

Dr. Raúl Urteaga

Dr. Raúl Urteaga received the Laurea degree and the Ph.D. degree in physics from the Balseiro Institute, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, in 2000 and 2008 respectively. Currently he is full professor at the Department of Physics, FIQ-UNL, and Researcher of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Investigations (CONICET), at IFIS, Santa Fe, Argentina. He is a founding member of the Grupo Santafesino de Microfluídica (GSaM) and is currently the director of the Bachelor's degree in Physics at the Universidad Nacional del Litoral. In the area of microfluidics he works on the development of optical methods for the study of fluid transport in mesoporous media and paper-based microfluidics.

Title: Microfluidics in porous nanostructured materials studied by interferometric methods

Dr. Marcus Müller

Research Interests

polymer solutions and melts

collective phenomena in membranes and self-assembly

kinetics of phase transitions

wetting and phase diagrams in confined geometry

computer simulation methodology (calculating free energies in Monte Carlo simulations and efficient equilibration methods)

numerical self-consistent field theory

Title: Wall-spring thermostat: An approach for controlling the dynamics of highly coarse-grained model fluids at surfaces