
Grant of Patent

A patent on ‘A passive droplet formation and splitting microfluidic device for symmetric or asymmetric droplet generation and a process thereof’ with patent no: 457943 and patent id: 202231008005 got grant on October 10th 2023. 

Inventors: Dhruvkumar H. Wankawala, Sudip Shyam, and Pranab K. Mondal 

Cover art associated with the journal article 'AC Electrothermal Effect Promotes Enhanced Solute Mixing in a Wavy Microchannel' has been selected as a Front Cover for Volume 39, Issue 47 of ACS Langmuir

Cover art associated with the journal article 'Salinity Gradient-Induced Power Generation in Nanochannels: The Role of pH-Sensitive Polyelectrolyte Layers' has been selected as a Front Cover for Volume 39, Issue 35 of ACS Langmuir

Dhruvkumar Wankawala and Pranab Kumar Mondal won Best Paper award at 9th International and 49th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power (FMFP-2022) held at IIT Roorkee from 14-16th December 2022. 

Dr. Pranab Kumar Mondal acknowledged as a Guest Editor for the journal "Microsystem Technologies - Springer" 

Acknowledgement of Soft Matter Most Popular 2020 for publishing most popular articles in Soft Matter (A journal belonging to RSC), during 2020 

News in Hindustan Times 

Funding from SERB-Department of Science and Technology, India (2021-continuing)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "Development of Congurable Digital Holographic Microscope for Microfluidics Applications"

Funding from PRISM of DSIR, Govt. of India (2020-continuing)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "Development of Point of Care Bio-Droplet Splitter"

Funding from SERB-Department of Science and Technology, India (2020-continuing)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "Variational Calculus Method for Solving Microflows in a Rotating Platform"

Funding from DBT, Govt. of India (2020-continuing)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "CRISPR based diagnosis of Covid-19 using paper microfluidics"

Funding from New generation innovation and entrepreneurship development centre Newgen IEDC, IITG (2020-continuing)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "Lab on a chip device for diagnosis of Blood"

Best Teacher award

Dr. Pranab Kumar Mondal is awarded Best Teacher award for teaching the course of Fundamental of Microfluidics from Department of Mechanical Engineering, IIT Guwahati for January-May 2019  

Funding from New generation innovation and entrepreneurship development centre Newgen IEDC, IITG (2019-2020)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "Dynamics of ferrofluidic droplet generation under the influence of external magnetic field"

Funding from IIT Guwahati Start up grant (2016-2018)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "Combined Influences of Electromagnetic effect and Surface wettability on the Contact Line Dynamics of Immiscible Fluids in a Microfluidic Channel"

Funding from SERB-Department of Science and Technology, India (2016-2019)

Our lab is privileged to achieve funding for project entitled "Experimental investigation on the roughness-surface wettability coupling in capillary filling in microchannel"