The Plant Microbiosis Lab
@ Friedrich Schiller University Jena
What are we about?
Why are healthy plants, especially leaves, colonized by microorganisms? How do microbial interactions shape that colonization and plant health? What plant traits drive these processes? Why does it matter?
We're working to find out!
We are a diverse group of creative problem-solvers, thinkers, experimentalists and artists knitted together into a dynamic group. We do microbiology and microbial ecology, but we cross the boundaries of many fields. This is science!
What are we up to?
Matt was recently selected for a Klaus Tschira Boost Fund Fellowship. The award will provide career development support as well as funding for two years to build up our research studying metabolic interactions between bacteria in leaves
Preprint alert! Check out Mariana's exciting new work on metabolic niche separation among leaf bacteria at the strain level!
Our paper is out in Molecular Ecology Resources! Check it out to learn how to efficiently block amplification of unwanted organisms for amplicaon sequencing.
We are proud to announce that Kerstin Unger earned the JSMC "Promoting FSU Talent" Scholarship to carry out her own project idea studying the ecology of bacterial "pathogens" in healthy leaves! She recently finished her Master's thesis with us and will stay on for a PhD.
March 2021
We are very proud of Aminat Odejide, who has recently completed her Master's thesis with us, has obtained a PhD position in the Cluster of Excellence on Plant Sciences in Düsseldorf. Congrats Aminat!
We've recieved word that our work on the Jena Arabidopsis populations will be funded in a 3 year DFG project! Together wiht the Panagiotou group, we will use metagenomics and synthetic microbial ecology to study how leaf fungi help shape bacterial diversity. Exciting times ahead!
The first preprint from our lab is up! Learn about how Teresa was able to use oligomers to block host amplification from a variety of plant species and how you can block other over-abundant organisms. This should help make amplicon sequencing more practical and affordable in lots of systems!
For our "summer" outing, we headed to Gera to do some hiking and play minigolf! A good time was had by all!
Hellfedsches Haus in 1908
Pre-2014 renovations
Post-2014 renovation