The Basics of Microaggressions

What is a microaggression?

A microaggression is an everyday comment or action that communicates a hostile, derogatory, or negative message to a target. These can be intentional or unintentional.

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These statements and actions, even if they were originally meant to be a compliment, can be harmful to the person the comment is directed at. These comments can be made based on someone's race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexuality, size, physical and mental disabilities, and many other aspects that make up one's identity.

Examples of Microaggressions

"Where are you really from?"; "You speak English really well!"

These statements create the assumption that the target was born elsewhere. It also implies that they will always be a foreigner because they don't appear to be "American."

"I don't see color."; "All loves matter."

These statements deny the racial and ethnic experiences that one has, and that race and ethnicity are significant parts of a person's identity. It also creates the implication that one must assimilate, or conform to the dominant culture.

"You don't look disabled."; "But you act so normal!"

These statements invalidate the existence of a disabled or neurodivergent person by enforcing the stereotype that people with these conditions must act a specific way. Disability exists within a spectrum. No two people, even if they have the same diagnosis, will not have the same experiences.

"You're too sensitive."; "Just get over it."

These statements invalidate the emotions the target feels after experiencing a microaggression. It also deflects any accountability from the original perpetrator, and dumps it onto the target.

More examples

What do Microaggressions do?

Microaggressions have an immense negative impact on people, especially if they experience them often. They can cause feelings of depression and anxiety, and can even impact the self-worth a person has. At the same time, if someone repeatedly experiences microaggressions, they will begin to mistrust their peers and even fail to thrive in a classroom or work setting.

Article: Effects of Microaggressions

Study: "He really didn't say that, right?": Impacts of Racial Microaggressions in Learning Environments

Article: Microaggressions

Article: Just Because It's A Microaggression Doesn't Mean It's A Small Problem

Article: Microaggressions are a big deal: How to talk them out and when to walk away

University of Mount Union Resources

These resources are available to the students of the University of Mount Union:

UMU Student Conduct:

For harassment based on gender and sex: Title IX Incident Reporting Form

For general conduct concerns: General Incident Reporting Form

For concerns regarding bias or acts of intolerance: Bias Concern or Acts of Intolerance Reporting Form

UMU Office for Diversity and Inclusion:

UMU Office of Counseling Services: