Michiya Hayashi
A Climate Researcher
Michiya Hayashi, Ph.D.
林 未知也 (はやし みちや in Japanese)
Ph.D. at the University of Tokyo (2016 March)
Climate dynamics and tropical meteorology
Working at National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES)
Previously working at University of Hawai'i at Manoa
Recent News
October 16, 2024: The accepted manuscript of my research article in J Climate on tropical intraseasonal variability, like MJO, is available online. [Hayashi and Jin 2024, J Climate]
August 29, 2024: A short post about my publication [Hayashi et al. 2024, SOLA] is released from NIES View LITE!
February 1, 2024: I became a senior researcher (主任研究員 in Japanese) at NIES as of Feb 1, 2024.
Research Interests
Climate dynamics in the tropics, multiscale interaction (intraseasonal-annual-interannual-decadal-multidecadal), and future climate change.
El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)
Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO)
Westerly Wind Event (WWE) aka Westerly Wind Burst (WWB)
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO)
Global Warming and Climate Change
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