Michele Samorani
Email: msamorani (AT) scu.edu
Office: 216N Lucas Hall
Phone: (+1) 408-554-4548
Short Bio
I am an Associate Professor in Information Systems and Analytics at the Leavey School of Business at Santa Clara University.
I earned my undergraduate and Master’s degree in computer science from the University of Bologna and my Ph.D. in operations and information management from the University of Colorado at Boulder.
My research aims at helping organizations uncover valuable insights and improve their operations through the use of machine learning and optimization. Although machine learning and optimization are well established fields, I am particularly interested in how these techniques are combined into a larger system. For example, my latest research aims at studying and reducing racial disparity in medical appointment scheduling when machine learning is employed to predict no-shows. This project was featured top-tier media, included in a United Nations report, and won the 2021 INFORMS Minority Issues Forum Paper Competition.
My papers have been published in top outlets in Information Systems, Operations Management, and Operations Research, such as MIS Quarterly, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Decision Support Systems, and the European Journal of Operational Research.
I have taught several Information Systems courses, such as Systems Programming, Data Science with Python, Natural Language Processing, Database Management Systems, and Business Intelligence. I also taught Operations Management courses, such as Introduction to Operations Management and Introduction to Business Analytics.