Real Algebraic Geometry I
WS 2022/23, Universität Konstanz

Prof. Dr. Salma KuhlmannMichele SerraMoritz Schick

Prerequisites: Linear Algebra I and II, Algebra I and II, Analysis I.
Languages: English / German


Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 - 11:30, in F420
First lecture: Tuesday, 25.10.2022

Exercise class: Fridays, 11:45 - 13:15, in D436
First exercise class: Tuesday, 8.11.2022
Tutor: Moritz Schick

Exam: The exam will be on 17.02.2023, at 10:00, in room F420 and will last 90 minutes.

The tentative results can be found here


The exercise sheets will be uploaded here every Thursday by 10:00 and must be handed in  by  the next Thursday at 10:00, in the postbox 14 on F4 or per e-mail to your Tutor.
