
Original Stories

Synopsis: Rolla Carter's life comes crashing down and she goes on a journey of self-discovery to find her real family and figure out where she belongs. Finding her family will come at a cost, and it won't be as great as it seems. She belongs to an endangered race determined to win back the freedom they lost centuries ago. To get her happily ever after, she must be willing to fight for it.


Synopsis: In a world where history is nonexistent, Lily Carter goes on a quest to learn the truth. She asks dangerous questions and she finds out more than she is ready for about the world she lives in. When a stranger appears out of her world's boundary, Lily's world is turned upside down. She has to fight for the truth and she has to fight for the protection she thought she never needed. Lily never expected history to be so dangerous.


Synopsis: Gymnast Chloe Lang felt her world crumbling down the day she got injured at the olympics. The doctors told her she was never going to be able to do gymnastics again. She decides to give up on her dream and go back to school. The principal assigns Chloe to show new student Grant around but he has a secret. The closer they get to each other the more secrets they have to keep. Sooner or later they will both have to put their guard down and learn to trust each other if they want their dreams to come true.


Synopsis: It's not about the celebrities that inspire her. It's not about the music that calms her. It's not about the lyrics that move her. It's about the person she learns to be. She realized she never needed anyone else's help. She adores those celebrities that inspire her and she falls in love with the music and lyrics that move her, but they don't get the credit this time. The only person who had the power to save her was herself.


Synopsis: Ember Dawson ran away from her tragic past with only a backpack and a cloudy dream about a girl at a train station. From town to town she ran until she finally found a place that felt like home. When her past hunts her down, Ember makes a split decision to stop running and face the one person with the power to destroy her.


Synopsis: If the reason you were alive was threatened, what would you do to save it? If the person who kept you alive was forced to leave, what would you do to make them stay? Would you go into hiding if it meant you could stay together?


Synopsis: Lena Enders hated Jensen Porter as much as Jensen Porter adored Lena Enders. They spent years arguing and he asked her out as many times as he could. When Jensen sends her a message as a joke they begin to talk regularly throughout the summer, but when school starts in the fall Lena wants to forget it happened. They form a secret love hate relationship until a tragedy hits their school and everyone is in danger. Lena will have to decide what's more important: Jensen or her reputation.


Synopsis: All she wanted was a chance to prove herself. She wanted her music to be heard around the world. Nothing else in the world mattered as much as her music did. She would do anything to get there, even if it means putting herself in danger first. She will fight and she will fall and she will learn what it means to be yourself, but she must take all the wrong turns first. She will fight for her originality.


FanFiction Stories

MTV Scream Stories

Synopsis: First, it was Brandon James. Then, it was Piper Shaw. Her partner, Kieran Wilcox, tried to finish. But now, who killed Kieran? What member of the James family is back in town? Is there ever such a thing as getting back to normal in Lakewood or will Lakewood always be Murderville?


Synopsis: Brandon watched her every day. Daisy spotted him once, a mask in the window. She knew it was a person the second time, when she spotted the mask through the hedge. They played a game, hiding from each other, each desperate to get a glance at the other.

Brandon wrote messages in his notebook, ripping them up when he finished so his parents did not read them. After a year of watching the girl next door, he folded a note and placed it in the hedge between their houses.

What started was a story only a handful of people in Lakewood found out about. A boy misunderstood and hated by the town, and the one girl who saw beyond what every else looked at. Brandon called it hope, and Daisy called it happiness.

Lakewood called it murder.


Demi Lovato Stories

Synopsis: It is a new era. It is a new Demi. A new artist arrives in town determined to shake up Demi's plans. They might be too alike for their own good. Is there room for more than one diva in the business?


Synopsis: Kayla Dane knows she has a problem, but how does she stop? There's no way she could measure up to her celebrity brother, so she doesn't. She continues to cut and not eat then she hears about someone named Demi Lovato and becomes a huge fan. Her first night of listening to Demi's music and she can't get herself to cut. Is this the answer Kayla needs?


Synopsis: Kayla stop cutting 3 years ago. Since then, she graduated high school, her singing career blew up to complete fame, and she started college...or so she thought. When she finds our her roommate Simone is cutting & sees the same signs she had just 3 years ago, what is she gonna do to help her? The only thing she can do: calls Demi and the rest of the LovatoIsLouder group. Will Simone become the new member?


Synopsis: I used to be popular, but we all know that. They started bullying Kayla, but I refused. It didn't look like it bothered her, but I saw it in her eyes. It hurt her more than anyone will ever know. No one else noticed, but I did. I saw her clothes start to get baggier as she started to lose weight. I remember her coming back one summer and looking like a twig. There was absolutely nothing to her. I refused to be a part of what they were doing to her, and they hated me for it. They insult me and bully me claiming that I'm her 'best friend' and I'm just like her. They push me off the bus and push me in the hallways. One day they pushed me into my locker and I had to be taken to the hospital for stitches. Just recently, I was walking up to my house and they ran in front of me and pushed me down the stairs. That's how I broke my leg. If they were ask me, I would proudly say that I stuck up for Kayla. More people should have.


Synopsis: Kayla Dane overcame bullying, was saved by Demi Lovato, fell in love with Dylan Montgomery, became a famous singer, and fixed things with her brother all in her four years of high school. She kept her fame, her boyfriend, and made a new friend in college. When Kayla quit college, she got engaged, saved her roommate’s life, and got married. Now Kayla Dane/Montgomery is in her late 30s/ early 40s and has three children with her husband Dylan. After a shocking discovery about one of her daughters, Kayla goes on a journey to repair their relationship, and prove to her daughter that she may be the only person who understands what it’s like to feel like nothing. Can Kayla Dane, with Demi Lovato’s help, save her daughter's life?


Synopsis: Would you let it go and get help if it meant your friend’s life? How much does friendship mean to you? Demi Lovato’s niece, Demetria Montgomery, had a near fatal accident that almost cost her not only her life, but her best friend’s too. Demetria and Anna make yet another pact with each other in order to save their lives. They both need to be willing to let their old life go in order to save the gift of a friend.


Justin Bieber Story

Synopsis: He saved her life, but he doesn't know she exists. He's at the top of the world, but she's at the bottom. It's her last year of high school, but she couldn't be more depressed. The only thing that gets her through is a boy named Justin Bieber. His music inspires her and calms her down enough to stop her from doing something terrible. All she wants to do is hear his voice live, but it seems impossible. When Melanie comes across a miracle, all her dreams may come true or everything may break.


Taylor Lautner Stories

Synopsis: Taylor Lautner. Lily Rose. Some fans call them Tily while others call them Laylor, but where did this strange love story begin? Michigan. A small town, misunderstood "rebel" with a thing for a photography who wants to get out and a celebrity who comes home only to visit his family. They both get drawn in after one accidental meeting, and their worlds get turned upside down into this crazy, loving, fighting relationship. Will this girl settle for average or get the love story of a lifetime?


Synopsis: They met, their relationship started, Taylor filmed a movie, and Lily's become famous. Lily's tour gets done and her and Taylor are ready to start the next chapter of their life together. With two houses, one in Michigan and one in California, Lily is able to stay close to her old life and continue with her brand new music career. Is this too good to last or will it be life Lily's always dreamed of?


Synopsis: Soon to be Lily Lautner has everything she ever dreamed of: a successful career, loyal friends, and Taylor Lautner as a fiancé. Lily thinks it’s going to be all fun and games until the wedding, but a lot more is in store than she thought. Between fighting over the wedding and jealous ex-girlfriends, will they make it to the alter or is it just typical Tily and Laylor stuff?
