ACA 2022


q-analogues in combinatorics:

matroids, designs and codes

SPECIAL SESSION at the 27TH International Conference on Applications of Computer Algebra (ACA2022)

15-19 August 2022, Istanbul-Gebze, Turkey

A q-analogue in combinatorics is a generalization obtained by replacing "finite sets" with "finite dimensional vector spaces over the finite field GF(q)".

Matroid theory originates as a generalization of linear independence in vector spaces and represents a connection between algebraic and geometric topics.

This session focuses on the q-analogue of matroids, first anticipated by Crapo in his PhD Thesis and re-discovered by Jurrius and Pellikaan, motivated by the connection between q-matroids and rank-metric codes. Like their classical counterparts, q-matroids have a connection to several other mathematical objects in combinatorics, including rank-metric codes, subspace designs, and finite geometry.

Recently, a q-matroid community was formed, and many researchers showed interest in q-matroids and related topics: this session aims to join members from this community for the first time.

We wish to invite talks about recent results and developments in q-matroids and q-polymatroids, including but not restricted to:

  • cryptomorphic definitions;

  • constructions of examples and families of examples;

  • q-analogues of results in structural matroid theory;

  • polynomials associated to q-(poly)matroids;

  • connections with rank-metric codes;

  • results on subspace designs, including computations of parameters and proof of existence;

  • connections with combinatorial topology and commutative algebra;

  • q-systems and linear sets in finite geometry.

Call for abstracts: if you are interested in participating to this session, please send to the organizers an abstract (both in .tex and .pdf) by the 31st of May, using the template available here.

Talks and speakers:


Gianira Alfarano

Institute of Mathematics - University of Zurich -

Michela Ceria

Department of Mechanics, Mathematics and Management - Politecnico di Bari -

Relinde Jurrius

Faculty of Military Sciences - Netherlands Defence Academy -