
No Credit, No Gain: Trade Liberalization Dynamics, Production Inputs, and Financial Development (with David Kohn and Fernando Leibovici) [paper,online appendix], International Economic Review, Vol.  64(2), May 2023
National Academy of Economic Sciences Award  for the best paper, Argentina 2022

Financial Frictions and International Trade: A Review (with David Kohn and Fernando Leibovici), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, May 2022  [paper,slides,link]

Preventing Self-Fulfilling Debt Crises: A Global Games Approach [paper,online appendixReview of Economic Dynamics, Vol. 43, January 2022

Sentiments, Strategic Uncertainty, and Information Structures in Coordination Games (with Isabel Trevino) [link ,working paper] Games and Economic Behavior , 124, November 2020

Multiplier Effect and Comparative Statics in Global Games, Theoretical Economics, 15(2), May 2020  [paper,working paper]

Financial Frictions and Export Dynamics in Large Devaluations (with David Kohn and Fernando Leibovici),  Journal of International Economics, 122, 103257 , January 2020 [paper,online appendix,code]

Financial Frictions and New Exporter Dynamics (with David Kohn and Fernando Leibovici), International Economic Review, 57(2), May 2016 [paper,online appendix,code ]

Information Acquisition in Global Games of Regime Change (with Isabel Trevino), Journal of Economic Theory, 160, December 2015 [paper,online appendix]

Working Papers

Uncovering Biases in Information Choice and Its Use: The Role of Strategic Uncertainty (with Isabel Trevino) [paper

Commitment and Investment Distortions Under Limited Liability (with Jesse Perla and Carolin Pflueger) [paper]

Revision requested at Journal of Economic Theory

Coordination with Sequential Information Acquisition (with Xiaoye Liao) [paper]

Revision requested at Theoretical Economics

Information Acquisition and Self-Selection in Coordination Games (with Isabel Trevino) [paper]

Revision requested at Economic Theory

Debt Overhang and Liquidity Risk [paper]

Work in Progress

International Trade Finance and Learning Dynamics (with David Kohn, Emiliano Luttini, and Shengxing Zhang)

Liquidity Support During Sovereign Debt Crises: The Role of Interest Rate

Information, Trading, and Financial Sector Profits (with Jesse Perla and Shengxing Zhang)

Old Working Papers

Costly information acquisition in a speculative attack: Theory and Experiments (with Isabel Trevino) [paper]

Financial Frictions, Trade, and Misallocation (with David Kohn and Fernando Leibovici) [paper]
