Michael Poon

University of Toronto - Astronomy Graduate Student


Hi there! I am a graduate student in the Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto, currently working with Prof. Marta Bryan and Prof. Hanno Rein. Currently, I work on observations of exoplanets, specifically with direct imaging and spectra, in order to understand how wide-separation Jupiter-like planets form.

Previously, I finished my undergraduate degree in Astronomy, Physics and Math at the University of Toronto, St. George Campus with a Thesis with Dr. J. J. Zanazzi and Prof. Simon Albrecht

I am also interested in planet formation, evolution and dynamics. A unique system I spent much of my undergrad thinking about is KH 15D, which is called the 'winking' star because its protoplanetary disk is warped and wobbles as it blocks the light coming from its star. We looked at how this light changed over the past 60 years in order to measure the disk size, warp and twist (paper here, code here).

An interview by the Dunlap Institute here: SURP Student of the Week 2020

New!: https://www.artsci.utoronto.ca/news/team-astronomers-adds-very-short-list-rare-binary-star-systems

Email: michael.poon (at) astro.utoronto.ca

If you are an aspiring young scientist/high school student/undergrad seeking advice, or would like to chat science, feel free to contact me!