

Keynote Address, “Megaregionalism and Developing Economies,” New Approaches to Economic Challenges,” OECD, Paris, 4 May, 2016. Video Available Here

Mega-regionalism in the Asia-Pacific and Options for Shared Chinese-US Economic Leadership, The 9th Annual Conference on China’s Economic Development and the U.S.-China Relationship, Institute for International Economic Policy, Elliott School of Government, George Washington University, Washington, DC, 11 November 2016.

What's Next for the TPP? East-West Center, August 4, 2015: After a week of intensive meetings on Maui, the 12 trade ministers negotiating the sweeping Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement announced on Friday that, while progress has been made, several difficult issues remain to be resolved before an agreement can be inked. In this special roundtable discussion, EWC Nonresident Senior Fellow Michael Plummer will discuss the implications of the Maui meeting’s outcome, as well as economic perspectives on the TPP deal as a whole.