Teaching Activities

Lecturing at UiT

Deep Learning (FYS-3033/8033): Spring 2019-2024

A new master and PhD level course. It provides students with an understanding of the techniques used in the field and reviews recent developments. Covering (among others) generative adversarial networks, (variational) auto-encoders, convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks.

Health Data Analytics (FYS-3032/8032): Autumn 2021-2023

A new master and PhD level course. The course covers machine learning methods and algorithms used for analysing and interpreting the vast amounts of data acquired within the healthcare system. Focus is on information extraction by pattern analysis and statistical inference from health data in order to derive clinically relevant decision support systems.

Special curriculums (FYS-3810/8805 ): Spring 2017-

Master and PhD level courses that covers recent approaches in the field. Since 2017, I have, among others, taught courses on Deep Learning, Weakly-supervised Deep Learning, Deep Domain Adaptation and Self-supervised Learning.

Digital Image Processing (FYS-2010): Spring 2016

A bachelor level course that covers fundamental topics of digital image processing such as two-dimensional Fourier transforms, filtering in spatial and frequency domain, segmentation and the mathematical characterization of continuous and discrete images.